SA Promo Posters
purplemedusa said on February 10, 2004 18:13:
A friend has asked me to place the following rare promo posters on offer for a trade:
1 x Tourism poster (Marie/Per on pg 22 pic @ 48cmx48cm)
2 x Tourism posters (Album cover @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
3 x Tourism posters (Marie pic on pg27 of Tourism Booklet @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
3 x C!b!b! posters (Album Cover @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
1 x C!b!b! poster (Album Cover @ 31cm x 31cm on cardboard)
All are in good condition and printed in South Africa.
As posting fees of posters are very high she would prefer sending it all in bulk.
She desperately wants the MF boxset and is willing to negotiate.
Anyone interested can mail her at; [email protected].
Electra said on February 13, 2004 15:18:
Hej PM, thank you for the message you posted here for me, biiiig hug!!!!
PLEASE PEOPLE, I am DESPARETLY wanting the Karlekens Guld boxset for these posters and are willing to negociate - I also have some video-stuff from South-africa and also a rare MF Penny Lane performance from 1996 (performing with Sugarcane on the 30/06/96 - four songs) that I would willingly trade for this boxset!!!!