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What does this mean in English? (is it religious?)
3 replies
Ferdan said on February 2, 2004 12:40:
or anti-relgion? or what?
“Jag ser, jag ser kyrkan som håller folk i schack,
med hot om vad som sker om ifall att
rockad med Gud eller schack matt.”
By P.G.
tevensso (moderator) said on February 2, 2004 15:01:
Ha ha, well, I just guessed! :) But Syndafloden means The Flood so I’m sure it’s very religious, I’ve never listened to the song since I think it’s ummm, not too good.
tevensso (moderator) said on February 2, 2004 14:31:
Per didn’t write the lyrics to Angelina.
I would interpret this as anti-church.
“I see, I see the Church keeping people in check
with threats about what will happed in case, castling with God or check mate”