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The cover of Look Sharp!

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uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. . . *looking suspiciously around*

I’m not 100% certain, but I’d wager a rather hefty sum that’s where the site got it’s name.


That. . . was. . . a real. . . actual, factual. . . question?

*chuckling quietly to myself*

He he he, erm... ;-) Okay, honest answer:

It was just a design-theme for the cover. Pure fiction! Obviously Visa (TDR’s webmaster) was inspired to name this site after it in 96/97.

Internet wasn’t public yet in the eighties.

God so that’s where TDR got it’s name from, I did wonder! ;)

Yes, there’s a newspaper called “The Daily Roxette” on the cover of “Look Sharp!” album. Yes, the site got its name from that.

No, the site didn’t exist in 1988. Mainly because WWW didn’t exist and I was eight years old and didn’t have a computer. I probably hadn’t even heard a Roxette song back then.

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My educated guess is that the designer (Kjell Andersson) ripped off The Daily Gazette... Good rip too!

I’m so confused about this thread. . . there were posts, then they were removed, now threy’re back. . . what goes on?

*wet with laughter*

You made her ink!

Is that a little ’Finding Nemo’ I see there? ;) “Awwww, you guys made me ink”. :D:D:D:D:D
*Manda needs a life*

Internet was made public in 1995.

The Internet has been publicly accessible for decades. The WWW has existed only since 1992, when Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML, which made it possible.

Back onto Look Sharp, can anyone tell me why “I Could Never Give You Up” was not on the cassette version? It was an interesting surprise when I finally got the CD 5 years ago...

@squigger: Sure... back then they needed incentives to get people to buy CDs because they were so damned expensive relative to vinyl and cassettes... don’t know how well it worked, but it certainly got me to RE-buy an album I already had, so it couldn’t have been the worst marketing idea in the world!


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