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The Good Old Days

27 replies

Hi everyone...
Just looking through my Rox collection and started getting all nostalgic, you remember the Joyride years!
Like...what was everyone doing in them years ?
What’s your fave song from the Joyride years ?


well i was very young when joyride was out , So i dont remember them much LOL. I remember going to see super mario and loved it lol, but i am from the UK :-p

I didn’t become a Rox fan until a year or so later. :(
I ADORE ’Things Will Never Be The Same’.
I would’ve been going to school and church.

rox-kuryliw: Steman71 is from here too. :D:D
Another UK Roxer come out of the woodwork... MUCH coolness. :D

Watercolours in the rain, I remember you, Things will never be the same....Golden times!!!

ye, I was also very young then.

it’s always strange for me to listen to look sharp or joyride days. where’s the time? where’s the time, brother? . . . argh, they were young, they were famous. the roxette fever was around (still it is). . .

huh - being at school, falling in love for the first time with a guy (guess who... (-: ) and getting very excited when I see the BIG L for the first time on MTV

Damn, I’m getting old... (-”;

I was at high school, and I remember my first day in 10th grade I listened to Joyride. I was in love with Rox since The Look, so listening to their new song made that day perfect. It was so exciting when I found new Rox material those days. I still have cassettes were I recorded the song waiting to buy the LP some time later.

All Joyride songs take me to good times of my life. But Roxmusic is making history with me yet :-)

I remember MTV played Joyride to death. Too much.

i remember all the pupil in school going crazing when hearing Roxette...those were the good old days...

I wasn’t a Roxette fan in the Joyride days, I’m not sure why.. I liked “It must have been love” and “Joyride” and all these songs, that were all around, but I never realised I was actually addicted to them. I found that out about one year ago
I wish I had been though... :((

’Joyride’ years...well, I was 10 years old when the album came out. My first Roxette memory came with the ’Joyride’ album. I remember hearing “Spending My Time” on a local radio station here a lot! My friend and I used to like that song. Then of course I remember hearing “Church Of Your Heart” a lot too, along with “Joyride” and “Fading Like A Flower.” That’s what inspired me to buy “Joyride” when I got a CD player a few years later.

I was in year 10 (about 15yo) when Joyride came out, already a huge Rox fan...bought Joyride the weekend that I was changing schools, which was really tough cause I’d been booted out of the first one. I still have a diary from that time and its got Joyride pics all through it, and “I LOVE PER GESSLE”, my friends thought I was mad cause they knew Roxette but who the hell was this Per Gessle? I look that diary every couple of years and it really makes me smile, as that CD got me through a really shitty teenage year. And of course I remember getting very excited when Joyride got to number 1 here!

I’ve never felt that ’Joyride’ was the high-point of Roxette’s career. CBB was always much more my thing. I have to admit, though, that even CBB starts to date a bit. Especially melodywise.

Yes, I think the same goes for me. CBB is much better than Joyride, but - at least for us here - Joyride has its unique teenage-flavour! And this subjective value that most of us attach to this album makes it so special...We were all teenagers in those times. And maybe one of the very well hidden reasons behind US - being HERE - THESE DAYS is THAT album.
Maybe besides of objective Rox music quality there are some more reasons for being now (after more than 10 years) still Roxette fans. Those “good old days” weren’t only Marie and Per glorious days, they were, above all, OUR good old days.
We tried, in a way, to re-capture that glamorous past with each Roxette tune that we heard since then. Don’t know...I feel like when growing up it was somehow normal to “carry” Roxette with me, where ever I go. But my perception on them changed indeed very much.
I was almost 13 in 1991 and I would have died for “Knockin’ on Every...” even though I didn’t understand too much from the lyrics...I was, of course, a little bit in love with Marie...But on the other hand, I was seeing her like being a quite old lady, ressembling with my mom a little bit. I thought that she kind of posess Per (which is - like a doggy - under a “spellbound”). I didn’t understand too much from the man-woman relationships, not to mention the so-called friendship between mature people.
Anyway, Per was a little bit like my rival and I was so happy that Marie was probably beating him at home. So, can you see the teenager’s cliché here? Of course I liked their music a lot (I liked it since LS was available in France, a year before, I suppose), but there was a WHOLE scenery behind that music. And feelings too. My feelings. sounds like a strange Oedip complex, don’t you think? (Me - not really daring to like Marie and almost daring to hate Per because I thought he was close to her; and moreover, me - liking Per because I thought he had a kind of delicate power on Marie). WHat a stupid thing to say, but yet, what an obvious reality!!! I am wondering how much of these soo stupid and unbelievably irrational things survived somewhere in my inconsciousness?...I’m sure each of you have your own scenery behind your liking Roxette, as teenagers...What’s left from that? - This might be a question.

I laugh a lot when I remember that when I was 11, 12 and even 13 years I though Marie was some kind of “power-girl” and Per nothing but a milksop!!!! I also remeber that my grand-mother contributed a lot to this sooooo un-true image of Gessle!!! Now I totally changed my mind!!! And my grand-mother too!! He-he-he...Well...she still thinks that Per is not good at...well...I am not going to say this. I went too far with memories...
Too many scenaries. Bye. see ya. It was nice to write this comment.

Oh gee...time really flies... it is quite spooky, I must say. those days I would go to secondary school...i remember crying listening to Perfect day and I also know I found my beloved and fave song of all times- CHURCH OF YOUR HEART :)

I agree with you, Max. For me, though, it’s CBB which brings these special memories back. :-) And that is even though I was 18 or so when this album was released. Well, what a happy time that was! *sigh* I can still remember how excited I was each time when a new Roxette-single came out. ;-) Nowadays Roxette for me is history - though I do appreciate what they tried to do with HAND.

mmm... let me think. I was very young when “Joyride” was released. Since then, I became a roxer.

In my opinion, Joyride is the best rox album... it still sounds fresh and powerful. I like those “guitars ballads” (FLAF, SMT, TWNBTS) How much I missed them.

I woulda been about 4 when joyride was released. but I miss growing up with them

There’s one thing I really don’t miss: the whole Roxette hysteria...There were a lot of stupid guys in my school that “liked” Roxette and just scream when hearing Joyride...I was somehow ashamed that I liked such a “trendy” band. My father used to discreditate them only because - in his opinion - it sounded stupid to love so much a band that is always on top, on the radio and on television. So, he wasn’t proud of me at all...He wanted me a “rebel”...And instead he had a son “going with the trend”... But since CBB, he started to like them anyway...(he-he-he...I think he checked the Bilboard and saw that they weren’t there least not that much...)

In the States, Max. In Europe, Roxette were quite successful with CBB. And rightly so, I think.

With Look Sharp and Joyride, it’s a totally different story. I always felt that this recording was totally overproduced. The artwork is unbarebly kitschy - quite in contrast to CBB which really looked cool then.

I do like Joyride as a song nowadays (especially played live), but back then I was really surprised that it became a hit. Also, I think that CBB somehow changed the perception of Roxette. And that goes for both the public and the fans. Both seem to see Roxette as some kind of rock-pop-band. Yet when you listen to LS and J there isn’t really that much rock. It’s really close to dance at times.

On silvester I was invited to my friend Jörg in Aachen/ Germany with my girlfriend Natascha, who is a rox fan, too. I asked for hotblooded, because they had the joyride album and they played it what a surprise,
Yeah, cheers Haui

Nice one guys and gals.
Great to hear what got people into Roxette and what you where doing around that time.
Agreed...I absolutely adore ’Things Will Never Be The Same’...It sends a tingle down my spine everytime I listen to it.
And thanx for your post Max_Tob, a very good read.
I remember having a pen pal friend in Brighton UK, who I used to visit a few times a year around those Joyride times. I love watching Live-Ism, it just brings back all those great memories.

Must have been my student-time!

In those days my favourites from the Joyride album were:
Things will never be the same

And looking at that album now, my opinion is that these songs are still the best on the album, and I’d like to add:
Fading like a flower

I guess I was reading some science magazine and dreaming of flying to Mars. That was me at school :D

Oh, and I was not a fan of anything, but I liked “Fading like a flower” a lot. Those guitars sound just amazing, even if they’re processed or whatever Clarence did to the Rhythm guitars.

Looking back from the time when I got to be something a Roxette fan, I loved “Small talk” and “Hotblooded”. I think both are the best songs in that one...

I guess my favourite song was “Cinnamon Street”. Of course, Joyride makes me always dream at those good times. I remember that I tried, and tried hard to siffle like Per, untill someone told me that wasn’t “for real” ;)
Another song was “Church of your heart”, but I have not listen it since too long. It is a good idea to search it ;) maybe..

I spend my holidays in Austria when Fading Like A Flower was released as a single. It was played on the radio so often, that until today I start seeing the mountains in front of me when I listen to it. That was the time when Roxette burned themselves into my heart.

Roxette is a part of my life. It goes with me all the time.


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