Per likes Seinfeld. How about Marie?
Max-Tob said on January 22, 2004 11:11:
I know that Per is a “Seinfeld-fan” and I can understand this. That sitcom is very...him (funny little things that happen in everyday life, the ironical characters etc.). Everything in this show reminds me of Gessle.
How about Marie? Does anyone know what kind of movies she likes/liked?
Max-Tob said on January 22, 2004 16:10:
Per reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld. There’s something about his comments...don’t really know...(well, actually, I have some clues, but I’m not in the mood for developing the subject) Hehehe.
Don’t know what else Per likes. I only know he enjoys a lot seeing good movies. But again: how about Marie?
Max-Tob said on January 22, 2004 16:40:
Oh, now I remember Per said once he liked very much “The taxi driver”. And ofcourse, everybody knows that his fav. actor is J. Nicholson so, he probably saw all his movies (incl. the latest “About Schmidt” which is a masterpiece, if you’d ask me).
DaminehGessle said on January 22, 2004 17:18:
Max-Tob: Yeah it was a good movie. It totally changed the way I look at older people.
Jud (moderator) said on January 22, 2004 17:59:
knowing how Marie is, I mean, jealous-feeling, non-mature, bad friend.. I am sure she loves soap-operas ;) (JOKE!)
Kiwein1 said on January 22, 2004 18:27:
..not to forget with a possessive and obsessive husband..
@Judith: Seems to become a running-gag, I like that *eg* ;-)
Anarem said on January 23, 2004 01:43:
I remember reading in an interview that Marie thought “Fawlty Towers” was a hoot.
Max-Tob said on January 23, 2004 09:10:
@Judith and Kewein: ...PLEEZZ, I BEG YOU:just a little bit slower with your “jokes”. I’m tired of your mean comments and I’m in a bad mood. Just answer the topic or leave the topic without your answer, but do not bring your ambiguous-childish-pseudo-ironies from another topic to this one. I left the other one because of you. I have nothing against telling one’s true opinion, even if this would mean not agreeing with the others...But wanting to be “sharp” with all costs (in fact, you just bring out your resentments so, this is not sharpness which is supposed to be intelligent) - this is something I won’t be able to understand.
If even a neutral topic like this one could be turned into a quarrel...then I don’t know anymore...
I used to like this forum, but every thread seems to have its narrow-minded subscribers...I didn’t have the intention to be rude, but I think coming to a forum and being (groundlessly)’s something I don’t want to know anymore.
Maybe some of us will think that these words are a little bit too harsh for something not really serious (like Judith’s and Kewein’s posts) and you will say I’ve just overreacted. Well, maybe. I have to admit I didn’t react only to these specific posts, but also to what I noticed in other threads here: pointless querrels, disproportioned reactions, groundless and mean comments.
For God’s sake, I’ve just asked what kind of movie Marie likes and I get a mean answer about her “possesive” husband, as a reply to a post of mine from another topic where I was FAR for saying such a stupidity!!! I’ll stop before gettting really mad.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend people that have nothing to do with the querrels here on our beloved TDR.
I’ll take a break from this forum beginning from now.
Jud (moderator) said on January 23, 2004 09:23:
Hm I remember now that Marie special review published by the Fanclub aaaages ago, must have been 92 or sth, was there anything about “favourite films” there? I have the review in Spain, not in Vienna...
Kiwein1 said on January 23, 2004 09:36:
@Max-Tob: I’m sorry that you feel offended, since it hasn’t got to do anything with you :-) No need for a break.
Santi said on January 23, 2004 19:38:
Which is your favourite Seinfeld program? :D
I really like that of “The Limo” :DDDDD
Anarem said on January 24, 2004 01:22:
Master of one’s domain!
the one in the Chinese restaurant.
erweetiran said on January 24, 2004 10:45:
@Max-Tob: First when I read your “Bad” post I was confused to see your name there and not mine! Felt the same when I read those comments, but anyway...
...If I had to guess I would say Marie does like Seinfeld but if she misses it she wouldn’t mind, she comes accross as being the type of person who likes to watch Changing Rooms and What not to wear...those arty type of shows...but it might be wrong
Max-Tob said on January 28, 2004 18:29:
@erweetiran: Hi. Thanx.
Seinfeld is a genius. And his show is the best thing I’ve seen on TV ever. Well, except from some Roxette MTV weekends, back in the ’90s.
I’m really glad Per likes Seinfeld so much.
powerpoplarry said on January 30, 2004 04:40:
Hey, Per loves Seinfeld, and he is like the characters, sooo, is Per Jewish?? Why?? Cuz the show is soooo Jewish!! Hell, so am I, so I don’t mind, haha!! He probably isn’t, but the show sure as heck is, so maybe Per has a Jewish gene or was a Jew in a past life??
3rd Rock is funny too, I like offbeat shows myself...
Max-Tob said on January 30, 2004 11:35:
Is the show jewish?Are the actors jewish...Are the subject jewish? Didn’t notice any of that...
I think there are thousands of reasons for per to like Seinf., so I really don’t think that it matters for him a number jewish-non jewish shades...
There is a great number of qualities that this show surely has, besides its -literally or metaphorically being jewish.
And yes, as I said before, Jerry S. reminds me of Per.
Again: how about Marie? Is there anyone here knowing what are the movies she likes best?
arnie said on January 22, 2004 11:19:
Per loves “3rd rock froom the sun” too...