crashroxer said on January 16, 2004 17:23:
Hej guys, please help us and vote for our ROXETTE FORUM :o)
Go to: http://www.besucher-award.de/abstimmungen/boards.php
Well, It’s very simple:
You click on the circle beside “Planet Roxette” - subsequently, you write the indicated password beside the free column - THAT’S IT!
Stormkeeper said on January 17, 2004 10:32:
What means qEGLcn?
“We need you” reminds me of old Duran Duran b-side btw :)
Kiwein1 said on January 17, 2004 19:58:
@Stormkeeper: This code doesn’t mean anything - it changes everytime you vote. It’s just to confirm the kind of “secure” voting!
Roxfever said on January 19, 2004 19:30:
@Stromkeeper, but you have to write it down! Otherwise it doesn’t count. Probably you did it but you never know :-)
crashroxer said on January 16, 2004 17:59:
BTW: Remember to press “VOTE” button!