Have you noticed this?
Roxlander said on January 15, 2004 14:21:
Sorry if someone mentioned this before, but I just noticed it last night while I was watching the new Rox DVD.
In WICF video there’s a couple making love, but in the new DVD version you can see the girl’s nipples! I never saw that before, does anybody know anything about it?
ditroia said on January 16, 2004 00:26:
ON the Anyone Maxi, there is the WICF Uncut Video [In MPEG 1].
Max-Tob said on January 16, 2004 12:37:
Never saw nipples before... until I managed to see the WICF uncut version...
He-he...Roxette bought a lot of advantages to me...
Denstandigaresan said on January 17, 2004 00:37:
One of life’s’ great mysteries...
Why DO men have nipples? :D
Andddd, why are nipples deemed offensive in the UK, when we can turn the tele on any time of day and see genitals staring back at us?!
Ok... now i’m thinking crazy thoughts... that’s totally not me... Eeeeeeek!
I think I had ought to go to beddybyes!
Roxlander said on January 19, 2004 21:20:
Destandiga, men nipples are so sexy...oops, sorry, that’s another topic :-p
Denstandigaresan said on January 20, 2004 00:47:
Ok, maybe they’re of use to some. ;)
I guess they’re useful for sticking holes through, and putting an oversized earring in!
Or erm, decoration, so the body doesn’t look odd, when they walk around in the summer with no tops on!
Denstandigaresan said on January 15, 2004 15:02:
Edited out on the UK version I believe. :rolleyes: