Whats first roxette song you listerned to in 2004
rox-kuryliw said on January 1, 2004 14:39:
Mine was breathe .
tevensso (moderator) said on January 1, 2004 16:12:
Nope, none so far, although we played Spegelboll at the party I attended.
Per_Verso said on January 1, 2004 16:58:
Mine was “Stars”, followed by “Dangerous”, “Opportunity Nox”, “A Thing about you”, “Milk and Toast and Honey” and “Breathe”. A very nice way to start the year, musically speaking!
Happy 2004 for u all!
Cácio (from Brazil)
Emil__BG said on January 1, 2004 17:52:
I was in a restaurant first,where we managed to put the rox cd and the whole restaurant listen roxette more than 1 hour:-)
after 01:00 6 fans came to my flat and we watched Per’s DVD so ..kung.. was first roxette related song in 2004 .. but after that we played Rox song till 11 :00...i gues first was...ITMHBL...
Happy new year to all!!
Lets see each other on GT concert this year;-)
JoyRidErno said on January 1, 2004 18:08:
First songs were from Shania Twain’s album and first Rox-song was Chances (Dancehall version)
Denstandigaresan said on January 1, 2004 18:53:
Does a mobile ringing count? :S I had ’Fading Like A Flower’ playing on my mobile about 12:02.
Roxette-Rox-On said on January 1, 2004 19:04:
“The Church of your heart” ;)
Happy new year 2004 from catalonia
kriszta said on January 1, 2004 19:13:
I was a fantastic party,there heard HOW DO YOU DO? This was my first Rox-song in 2004!
ally77 said on January 1, 2004 19:45:
Nah was not Roxette... but I played some GT this morning.. getting in the mood for summer... Then watched Per’s DVD again!.. gee I am gonna ware it out!
LoneGunman said on January 1, 2004 20:16:
He He Hej
Mine was ¨Vilket Hall Du An Gar¨, actually, followed by ¨Har Kommer Alla Kanslorna (Pa En Och Samma Gang)¨.
All the best
DaminehGessle said on January 1, 2004 20:42:
I just woke up! How do you expect me to have listened to Roxette in the first 13 hours of 2004?
harriej said on January 1, 2004 21:38:
Cinnamon Street and now The Voice (via Radio Roxette on internet)
Jud (moderator) said on January 1, 2004 22:33:
still none :P I guess first Rox related I will listen to will be Marie.
Been listening to Dahlgren, Buddaboys and Bon Jovi (this left feels right), I said I guess because I got one self-made MF cd in the player now.... :P
Sascha said on January 1, 2004 22:40:
Here Comes The Weekend - unplugged. Was still in my car stereo when I started this morning.
MiracleMan said on January 2, 2004 00:26:
I Remember You—after I got back into the car for the drive home around 2 a.m.
xarrrr said on January 2, 2004 11:10:
no roxette so far.... but my first “related” music of 2004 was Den Ode Stranden (GT live version) also gettin ready for the summer :P
Pascal said on January 3, 2004 16:12:
2 songs:
- No Shadow Of A Doubt
- Things Will Never Be The Same
ATLTK said on January 3, 2004 20:46:
hmmm last rox song was ON on new years eve (sat in a cafe in Norrköping)
first song was kung av sand in the tv4 documentery from per concerts or monia mannen med gitarr on mp3
first roxette song ATAY friday afternoon on radio
Burke said on January 3, 2004 21:29:
I don’t listen to Roxette that often anymore. But I think the answer to your question is ’MTH’ (it was played on the radio).
malena said on January 4, 2004 17:53:
I’m not sure but I think it was Pearls of passion...
Great song.
GTiG said on January 5, 2004 17:41:
No rox song yet, but I watched the Mazarin DVD just after midnight...
NeverendingRoxette said on January 1, 2004 14:57:
mine was not by roxette . . . but nearly: today I sang “min trognaste vän” by marie! I found the lyrics in my pocket . . .