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8 replies

Do any people know Emil B? I leave my email address on TDR and I have 3 very bad emails from this person. Is he on TDR? I take my details from the web. I did not think this Rox site will be useds in a method like this. MODERATOR: have you heard more?

Hey Mods. . .ya ever think of starting a lost and found forum? A lot of traffic for it lately. . .

Yeah....i think i’ve noticed him around some time ago.....

Is this the one you’re looking for???

Different email address used, but possibly is the same. I hope there is a confusion from him. Thank you Wendy.

You’re welcome ;)

I’m 100% sure Emil (I mean, the one here on TDR as Emil_BG, previously as roxchurch) does not send out bad e-mails, I know him personally and he’s just not like someone who would do bad things against people.

Another member on here had their MSN address used... and I, amongst others had horrible IM’s from them on MSN... just a thought.

Thank you for the help guys. I am new in TDR, I have not hear of any Emil. This is why I ask, the bad emails was from a EmilB. EmilB_G address is different to the address. I do not want him to have a bad name. There are lots of Emils (?!)

I worry that people which not Roxers can gets email addresses of us. I have not heard from EmilB_G, if he read this, it would be great to know for sure he send me nothing.

@ Denstandigaresan
Then I think you are right. It was my first thought, so I check with the first email to TDR.


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