looking for sabrina and leo...
sabrina59 said on November 19, 2003 13:11:
hi! i’m sabrina, from rosario, argentina, and although i’ve been a frequent reader of TDR, i’ve become a member just yesterday.
now, when i picked up my username (i wanted to call myself just like my real name, sabrina), it was already picked, and therefore, had to ad the “59”, per’s birth year.
so, my question is: who’s the other sabrina? where are you from? i wanna meet you!!!
and my other question is: does anybody know leonardo diez, from argentina? i’m looking for him!!! he used to be my friend, but he moved to brazil some time ago, and i lost contact!!! LEO! if you are reading this, please answer me!!!
that’s all. bye for now, and it’s a pleasure joining TDR!! thanx!!
MiracleMan said on November 19, 2003 23:42:
ATLTK, there’s a call for you. . . line 4.
Welcome to the backpages, Sabrina. I was a long-time reader as well before I ventured into these pages, now I can’t leave the forums. *Hotel California begins playing softly in the background*
sabrina59 said on November 20, 2003 17:33:
hey guys! thanx a lot for your warm welcome. and thank you for replying my smalltalk.
this is fun!
and although i coudn’t contact neither my old friend nor the other sabrina, i’ve met new friends!
thanx a lot and see you in this TDR joyride!!!
? : )
aightter said on November 19, 2003 18:41:
I don’t know these two, but I just wanted to say hello to you... :
Welcome and enjoy your stay here! :-)