Roxette is doing it, so why can't we?
infofarmer said on November 15, 2003 19:37:
I know it’s not the first thread of the kind, still.
TDR is full of talented ppl. During the past few years we’ve seen beautifully composed lyrics, music, photo art and even video clips.
Well, can’t we somehow join our forces? I suggest a full-scale non-commercial project, involving those, who write songs/music/lyrics as a hobby! Style-code: roxette. If we start now, we could have some kind of an album by the end of 2004, well before PG & MF will release something together.
How to make such a thing possible? Well we don’t claim to be professional musicians, so a PC/Mac with a keyboard at home will do. The only problems are vocals and guitars, but I think it’s not that hard to sort it out. As for software, I’d propose General MIDI standart and Propellerheads Reason or eMagic Logic Audio for pre-mastering.
So, plz, don’t hesitate. Write me to [email protected] Disscuss it here. If many are interested I’ll get a site on-line.
Roxette is always trying to give us the best music the can make, I’m sure they’ll be glad to hear sth. from their fans, sth. dedicated to them!
Denstandigaresan said on November 15, 2003 23:58:
Eh, considering it’s $449.00 to buy, yeah, I would think so.
Is this thread even Roxette or related? :S
regn said on November 16, 2003 02:56:
infofarmer said on November 16, 2003 13:28:
Ok, just forget about Reason! You can use any software or hardware, I’ll take care to accept, edit and master files in any format. So isn’t there anyone, willing to take part in writing music in your favourite style?!
@lawyer: can you write music/lyrics? I would gladly accept any samples!
@mans: be tolerant, man, pleeez
Rock on!!!
Jackeill said on November 16, 2003 14:11:
i have a lot of stuff written by myself. have two guitars, don’t have a good microphone though ;/ i can play a keyboard a little, have produced some of my own songs in the past...
give me microphone, i’ll give you samples in cool quality or even whole songs ;)
infofarmer said on November 16, 2003 15:44:
If you’ve written sth standing close to rox-style, mail me chords, tabs, some kind of notes. The mike is not really a problem (say, I could get an AKG), but the stuff to record is. So let’s try to compose sth, and only then to play, record and maser it!
You can send even mp3’s, I’ll take some themes from them. Still plain *.mid’s are far more welcome!
Again: [email protected]
Yashar said on November 16, 2003 22:06:
I can do artwork for the cover of the cd;and also I will make videos.These are my abilities.
Ketil said on November 17, 2003 16:03:
@ infofarmer
I have a home-studio myself and I have written and recorded several songs. I could contribute with a completed song, but if I understand you correct - you want us to write the song and make the recording together. And this makes the whole thing a bit more difficult though it would be cool to try it out. We’ll have to think about how we could work together.
The first we need is a good tune. The easiest way to work this out is by exchanging mp3-fils (for instance recordings of an acoustic guitar or a piano with a guide vocal). Then someone can add lyric. The next thing to do is the arrangement. I think one person has to be the producer (you) that collects contributions from the other in the project (both on midi and mp3).
When it comes to software for doing the project I suggest that you use Cubase together with Reason (Rewire). With Reason alone you can’t use VST instruments as far as I know.
infofarmer said on November 20, 2003 16:32:
@Ketil: I think we’d better exchange midi (or any other unrendered) files, because this way we can collect lots of material and save time on decompiling... If you have some tunes ready (it may be a complicated composition, as well as a few solo notes) mail ’em to me.
@Lawyer: Can you select 5-10 best poems and mail ’em to me, please?
Rock on!!!
KixGuy said on November 21, 2003 13:58:
I think this is a very nice idea. Too bad (for me) someone has already taken the art work hehehe
But even so, I wish you luck. If you need anything from me, don’t hesitate, please. I’m very excited about this project.
Aaso said on November 21, 2003 14:59:
Hey where did you get such a brilliant idea?? lolzzz
I think I can do nothing but I can help you by bringing some coffee backstage:D
I am serious maybe I can send you some of my lyrics.
m-cvk said on November 21, 2003 18:57:
Hi! I really loooove this idea! I write songs myself, the only thing that’s hard for me is to record it. I have some songs in my synth (an old one, Yamaha V50), but I have problems with connecting it to my PC (I have some software like Cubase, Rebirth, Beat 2000). I have a cable from the synth to the PC (through the gameport) but there’s no sound (or sometimes a really soft one) coming from the PC... Furthermore I have an electric and acoustic guitar :-) but no stuff to record it. If someone can help me, give me advise what I should buy etc I’d be very happy. I have some lyrics that I can send you as well.
edit: and I’m a student at the School of Communication, Media & Art, so I can help with the promotion, art etc :-)
infofarmer said on November 24, 2003 12:11:
@lawyer: anything you like. close to rox-style. close to perfect english. anyways just select your favs and send them
@KixGuy: thanks for your words. i’m sure everyone’s will be needed sooner or later.
@Aaso: i love caesar-coffee (it’s not easy to preapare it - you’ll need several types of liquor). if you have some nice lyrics to share - please send ’em in
@marie: can you send me some of your tunes? if you have an opportunity to contact me via an instant messenger (i’m using ICQ) i’ll help you solve your problem
Since no-one has send me an e-mail yet, I suppose I should be getting to spamming at y’all :)
Rock on!!!
Aaso said on November 24, 2003 12:28:
I think everybody was waiting for your response!!! Now guys c’mon ... bombare him with your eamils!!!
PS: What kind of liqurs?
antz said on November 24, 2003 21:48:
This reminds me of a tv ad for Telecom in my country (NZ). It starts off with a musician in a small rural town sending a track (him singing and playing acoustic guitar) by email to a fellow musician in the big city, who then adds drums and keyboard.The he sends it to another musican in London, he sends it to the guys mobile phone, who then records his instrument over the phone, then it gets emailed to New YorK and so on and so on until they have a complete song, with every instrument you can imagine!
The song was called “Melody keeps us connected”
Yashar said on November 24, 2003 21:48:
Let’s choose a name for the album!
Then I will begin to work on its cover design.
infofarmer said on November 24, 2003 23:54:
@Aaso: that’s the way it always happens: everybody’s waiting for everybody’s response. p.s.: i don’t really know, i promise to write down the ingridients next time i visit the cafe
@antz: i think the path of our tracks will be much longer :)
@Yashar: album without artwork is an album, artwork without album isn’t. first we’ll collect enough material, then we’ll think about more distant matters. you can use “under construction” name for now
Great to see people really interested in the project! I promise I won’t let it die, or wither, or be forgotten. Any support, including plain interest, is very much appreciated.
And... Rock on!!!
m-cvk said on November 26, 2003 14:36:
and hopefully this topic stays alive as least untill there’s a site :-)
infofarmer said on December 3, 2003 17:14:
A little update on what’s going on:
I’m collecting tunes and sounds suitable for rox-style tracks from my past experience of composing. Hope to start shaping it all into some kind of music by the end of december. Still in need for some fine lyrics, and nice tunes are always welcome too.
@lawyer: nope, i didn’t. try [email protected], [email protected]
If that doesn’t work we’ll think of sth
m-cvk said on December 10, 2003 09:41:
Most problems are fixed now, thanx Andrew! :-)
I’ve already sent some lyrics and tunes to Andrew. I’ve also got some tunes I play on my acoustic guitar and I was wondering “how can I record it on my PC?” Does anyone have the answer for me?
Thanx in advance!
infofarmer said on February 20, 2004 22:44:
Nope, it’s active more than ever. I’m working with MC. She’s great at songwriting, I’m trying to keep up :-)
We’ll be very glad to see somebody new, willing to help the project!
What we need right now is tunes and lyrics. We’re just collecting material.
Drop me a line at [email protected] if you wanna join us.
Roxlander said on February 20, 2004 23:09:
I like this idea, I would like to help too, maybe lyrics.
n-Somnia said on February 21, 2004 03:33:
m-cvk said on February 21, 2004 09:26:
Thanx for the compliment Andrew! :-) I’m getting more and more lyrics :-)
@ N-Somnia: please drop Andrew and me a line, we’d love to have you in the project (I also play guitar but don’t really know how to record it properly)
@ anyone:
The project is pretty active. It would be great to send some stuff to Andrew and CC to me (please drop me a line at [email protected] and I’ll give you my other - more used - emailaddy :-))
Hope to hear from you soon!
m-cvk said on March 10, 2004 09:59:
Just a kind of question (not an attack or whatsoever :-)):
I’m wondering why the ones who replied to this topic (and got an e-mail from me or a reply through TDR) don’t respond/reply anymore....anyway, the project is still alive :-)
infofarmer said on December 2, 2006 23:33:
In case someone is wondering what kind of truck hit me, here’s a little update :-)
In summer 2004 I got into Unix system/network administration, and now, among other things, I’m a FreeBSD developer. I haven’t touched a musical instrument for years, and though I still come up with tunes every now and then, I’ve got little opportunity to write anything down.
I’m not as enthusiastic about writing music as I used to be, but if I know anything about myself, it’s probably just a question of time. In the meantime you’ve got every right to say that I’m lazy, and not true to my word, and whatever... I still love you all! :-)
If someone wishes to work on this little project, I can help you out a bit hosting-wise. I’m not a web-master, though, not yet.
coyboyusa said on December 3, 2006 14:16:
considering fans are spred out over dozens of countries this would be a logistical nightmare
coyboyusa said on December 3, 2006 14:16:
considering fans are spred out over dozens of countries this would be a logistical nightmare
m-cvk said on December 4, 2006 12:31:
Hey, you ARE still alive?? ;-) I’m still waiting for a cd with some great music programs....
infofarmer said on December 7, 2006 00:30:
Yes, yes, point your finger at me :-) You know, being an open-source developer does change your views on pirated software. Here are some links to free programs for starters. I can ship you these, but I guess you have broadband at home or at work by now.
Most of the software does not work on Windows yet, but some does, like Audacity. Or may be it’s time to switch to Mac OS X or Linux ;)
Some samples:
Sorry for not being any more helpful...
Mans said on November 15, 2003 22:57:
Isn´t it illegal to send around programs like Reason to everybody on CD-R??? Shut this discussion down!