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Have you ever seen TDR in the mirror?

16 replies

Yes, I know it is useless.. but a bit fun at least... ;)

haha :P

Oh how extremely cool. :D

Haha my eyes.

oh really intresting I like my name goes like this :

osaA !!!

very interesting, hahaha

i was trying to write in this “mirror”...was really funny :-D

Novel!!! ;)

Even the links are mirrored!

Looks like when they write in farsi :D:P No offense ;)

Hihi, seems like I´m not the only one who thought this was kind of cool! ;)
You can actually add whatever site you want and then just type the “” afterwards and that site will be mirrored as well! ;)

per_mson: NOOOO, i’ll be here all night now going through my favourites... mirroring them! NOOOOOO! ;)
And just as I was about to go to bed, early for once... bloodshot eyes are not attractive. :(

D: naseragidnatsneD
Hehehe! Love it. :D

2 Santi, lolzzz

@Denstandigaresan: Oopps, sorry! I never intended to spoil anyone’s beauty sleep! ;-))

@per_mson: I’d need more than a few hours kip for it to be beauty sleep... I’d need a miracle!

Did someone ask for a miracle? ;D

Were your ears burning? ;)


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