OFF TOPIC: looking for other friend- TITO
luizfernando said on November 2, 2003 17:01:
By the way, I lost contact with other great friend, this one from Spain. His name is Fernando, a Roxette fan too and his nick was TITO, I think.
If you know him, please give me his email or something.
Thank you again
Luiz Fernando
Denstandigaresan said on November 2, 2003 18:57:
Maybe this site should be renamed... friends reunited*Any resemblance to that other site, is purely paranoia ;)*
Or instead of everyone posting individual ’looking fors’ which creates loads of useless threads, open a main one and post looking fors in that.
Jud (moderator) said on November 2, 2003 19:00:
the other thread was moved to the off-topic forum for a reason..
MiracleMan said on November 2, 2003 17:18:
ATLTK! Is that you? Is this a third alias?