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Buenos Aires the "new gay capital" for tourism...

14 replies

in southamerica
according to a national newspaper

yeh dear friendly gays... bring your money to us

could give a whole new meaning to “B.A.”

wow u can go to latin america get diarreah from the water and syphillis from the locals lets book a trip

Coy I missed your posts.. AHH... the same old coy! :D

Well, I couldn’t expect less from a victim of the poor American educational system.

@coy…don’t worry, I was visiting the States last year and although everyone told me that stupidity is very contagious there, I had a great trip without catching it.

hehehhe, Nice ferdan (American Education System)

@coy...are you from latinamerica????

Is it because in Argentina same sex friends go hand in hand in the street? :D
I don’t mean they’re gays, but it’s a more comfortable environment for gays I guess, because nobody is surprised at such a thing... am I very wrong? I’m not gay :s

We don’t go hand in hand in the streets... :-?

It might be cause in Buenos Aires there’s legal gay Civil Union... it’s like marriage.
Funny how in a “3rd world” city we are open to that and not oppresing gay people freedoms...
not like in other countries, so called from the 1st world.

Oh, sorry. I saw that in a Lonely Planet programme. Well, I think it was not actually Buenas Aires, but Salta. Anyway, they said the whole country was like that :|

Is Argentina part of the “3rd world”? :O

To the eyes of the uneducated people, yes.

no para mí argentina es la 1 parte del mundo......

lol my thread was a bit of sarcasm for newbies who dont know i am gay fro america and i am not jealous of an open society the simple fact is anit gay biased incidents occurr in higher rates in latin american countries and africa than most fo the the rest of the world and statistically i’d have a better chance of catching a std there than here....and there is no ” gay capital” thats just blah blah blah blah BS :)

oh and ferdan you can apperciate how in america a religious majority has been in control for quite some time and it wont change any time soon here in america as the baby boomer generation basically runs america as this conservative trap. give america another 50-100 yrs lol we’ll have gay marriage whatver that is then lol


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