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the matrix

30 replies

Isn’t it cool, it will be less than a month for the premier of revolutionin my country will open at 8:00 am



do yo umean the 3rd part of the Matrix movie??

How strange... ur country opens at 8am? What country are we talkin about here... MMM... coz most countries stay open 24hours....

lol @ purplemedusa ;)

@purplemedusa :), you really made me laugh :), sometimes i close not my country, i put myself in stand by :)

I meant the premier o matrix revolutions will be on 11.05.03 at 8 am

Purple, in America, most of the country keeps sensible business hours, it’s only the coasts that stay open 24/7. So the US opening at 8 a.m. is quite possible. Canada, I’m lead to understand opens at 6 a.m., but they shut the nation down spot on 5 p.m. Mexico is a whole other ballgame.

I hope this third movie is better than the second one. The first, Matrix, was excelent, but Reloaded wasn’t that good... or maybe I expected too much.

Roxlander: Just about every “series” has a “slow” movie. A set-up for a finale or something like that. In a trilogy series, usually it’s the second of the series. In a quartet, usually the third in the series. You sometimes need a setup movie.

Personally, I liked Reloaded. It showed what it was that was being fought for. All of humanity.

The Matrix (1).... ripped off a lot of things from the movie “Dark City”... the ambient, some concepts, a “One”... etc.
Dark City was filmed 1 year ago, in the same studio than The Matrix, and Matrix even used some of the remaining scenaries from Dark City!!! (the roof tops)

ppppssssssttt... Ferdan: “The Matrix” was filmed OVER FOUR YEARS AGO. “Matrix: Reloaded” on the other hand.....

I think reloaded sucked big time. There wasn’t much brilliance of the first one left. What’s with all those Star Wars elements and was the Superman thingy really necessary. Also the part, in which he was fighting numerous Hugo Weavings...come on, there’s better animation on a Nintendo...

You’re right LittleSpooky, but I expected a better movie. Two examples of best second movies than first ones: The Lord of Rings (Two Towers so much better than the Fellowship), and X-Men.

Roxlander: I understand that. But maybe it’s just me. I liked both films, but then again, I’m one of those that follows a story line... and not just a “stand alone”.

Think about it. Compared to “Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones”, “A New Hope”, “Empire Strikes Back”, “Return of the Jedi” leave MUCH to be desired. Yet, they are part of the whole.

It’s kind of hard to put the detail you want in because the movie winds up being ass-NUMBINGLY long (Thin Red Line is a PERFECT EXAMPLE. 3 hours long, and 1 hour of it was flashbacks to this guy’s life with his wife/gf/lover who left him while he was at war. For continuity purposes, IT DIDN’T FIT!!!!! *snip* That crap should have been on the cutting room floor, because it did NOTHING to contribute to the story, yet “Reloaded” sets up “Revolutions”. Trust me. What happened to Neo at the end WILL be explained in “Revolutions”.)

well to be honest the whole matrix phenomina is overrated. the lord of the rings is wars prequels would have been better is lucas had rembers that good storytelling is better than making amazing special effects....the dialog in episode 2 was so stupid and there was a huge lack of chemistry in the cast

Matrix 2—pseudo-spiritual religious bullsh*t mixed with loooooooooooooong (rather spectacular) action sequences. As cool as they are though, the fights don’t for one minute even bother to try to fake any dramatic tension until it comes to an unsurprising draw.

Does anyone REALLY fear for the protagonists. At all? And everyone is sooooooooo serious.

A bit disappointing, Matrix 2, but I’ll probably see the third. It didn’t leave as bad a taste as the new Star Wars claptrap. I couldn’t care less about those films. It’s been a year and a half since thelast one and I’m still pissed about how bad it was. Ggggrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Here’s something to crimp your cookie for a while:

Is The Matrix REAL?

I am solving one right now :D

we live in the matrix.

I think that matrix is a cult movie, so not all the people will like it :), it’s like Pi.

LittleSpooky, in a few days we’ll know if this discussion was worth it, and I hope so :-)

Roxlander: *lol* I think so. You’re an intelligent person, and I enjoy talkin to you.

LittleSpooky, thank you so much! I think the same about you :-)

I guess that everybody watched to Reloaded with a wrong point of view...everybody saw it as a sequel, when, actually, The Matrix (1) it was sort of an epilogue...the true story, the final path of Neo, it is in Revolutions...

This movie was intended to an anime or a manga...but they succesfully turned it in a big blockbuster success...succes, coz, c’mon, u have to watch in 2 or three times until u really get the whole idea of this new plot (and the following one, Revolutions) in the case of Neo’s dialogue with The, that’s the real taste of this movie...if u get all what he says (what’s not easy, let’s admit...sounds quite like a nerdish bullcrap)...u’ll know what Neo is and what to expect from the third...btw...I remember I posted here some months ago, that the Machine World would have to help Neo, in accordance with the Bible text in Nabuchedanazzar plate (Mark 3:11 - and even the impure spirits, when saw him, declared: u are God’s son)...and that’s it...the trailer reveals exactly what I said...and I say again...if u wanna completely joy and worth both Reloaded and Rel’s DVD or VHS, days before u watch Revolutions...or maybe, who the same day...and go watching it...u’ll understand what I say...

I rented it last week and got so many different things, and not only that ’bull***’ religious stuff with loooooooong action scenes feeling, as it is posted above...u begin to understand it better, even why, Reloaded is meant to feel Wachowski bros...and now I got a DVD ripped version on my PC, I’ll watch it as I suggested...hehehe...

hmmmm...just a u think Per could play Merovingian’s role? imagine him cursing in swedish, like Merovingian said it is fantastic in french...”fan, pa sken of tak soa üik, mëg off ladab, blablablaba....” “oh...its like picking ur nose with a pinneaple” “fantastic language”...hehehehehe...

P.S.: I know nothing about cursing in swedish, as u clearly noticed.

*applause tinytim*

was it ironical?

or u’ve been missing me??


Both... AND the fact that somewhere out of left field, is where that came from ;o)

I really didn’t get it.

Oh and I forgot to add something...I think Keanu Reeves an awful actor...

Well, maybe Keanu Reeves isn’t the best actor, but he’s so handsome, specially in Matrix :-)

So did you see it?

I really liked it, maybe it hasn´t got the best history but the especial effects are pretty cool

it’s better than second part,more action,more meaning,but i the final looks like made in a hurry... i wanted something more spectacular :-)

I went to see “Matrix: Revolutions”. Good action sequences, but it was rushed, yes. The end killed me though. Damn *snuffles* You should see the straw and plastic lid I had to throw out after chewin the ever livin crap outta both....


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