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I'll Be Alright...

13 replies

It’s raining cats and dogs here in Victoria. Just came home all wet and tired due to lack of sleep. School is crazy as usual and life happens to be boring, oh well exciting at times and boring the rest.

I am listening to I’ll Be Alright. Damn every single Roxette/Per song brings a memory back. So many of them I can’t even count anymore. I’ve written things in here for Here Comes the Weekend, You Don’t Understand Me and etc. I don’t think I’ve ever told you about this song though.

4 years ago, I went through the worst days of my life. This song was what made me feel better when I was down. I used to put it on repeat and listen to it non-stop, 200 times a day. I would listen to it in the car, while studying, at home, bedtime... I would write it on top of my school notes while in class. Everyone around me was sick and tired of this song. The song is very simple yet means so much. Again, one more masterpiece from Mr. Gessle.

Dunno why I started this thread. Felt like sharing my feelings towards this song. When it comes to describing my feelings, I’m left speechless. I used to sing along with this song thinking I’ll be alright. As time went by and reality hit me, this song was replaced by Spending My Time, Fading Like a Flower, So Far Away, Never Is a Long Time and so on... yet again! I knew I wouldn’t be alright. Now once again, I am listening to it begging myself to be alright. It takes alot out of me I’m telling you.

So yeah... Thank you Per for the song. It’s good to want to be alright every once in a while. I see a bright future.

I’ve used this song like that some time in my life too. And now, years after that I’m very alright actually! :p

There is a Gessle song for every occasion. :)

Nice to know that others feel the same way!

I was JUST listening to that song! I was going to put it on a CD for my girlfriend cuzza the lyrics. Wow. Serendipity.

@DaminehGessle - are you in Victoria, Aus at the moment? We had a massive storm here as well yesterday, I got caught in it, it was vicious. Maybe the start of the end of the drought, eh?

I have a couple that helped me through some rough times as well, Silver Blue was one, it was years ago but went through a really really shitty time at one stage in high school (as we all do :). That was the only song that made me feel good about anything. I used to sit in class and just write it out, over and over. I think I busted a CD player with the continual repeating of that song, it wasn’t programmable so I used to lay in bed hitting the back button until I went to sleep. LTYH was another one, and I played a couple of songs from Joyride over and over - I still have my first CD of that, had to buy a new one cause the surface colour started flaking off from overuse, I think. And Run to You, I drove my family absolutely INSANE with that one, that was from an amazing time in my life and it always makes me smile, driving flat out across the Outback with no speed limits in a V8 Holden Commodore with that song playing was incredible.

So I know what you mean, so many Rox songs mean so much to me, each from a different era. Right now, its What She Like? from CBB, funny I just bought that CD a few days ago, a couple of weeks after breaking up from a 4 year relationship, God the words to that song are exactly how I feel right now. It breaks my heart, that song :)

Don’t know why I’m sharing this, but I hear ya! :)

bleu_argente: I live in Victoria, Canada!!

Sharing is good. I never share my feeling with anyone. I write my feelings. And lately I have been writing in here whenevr I feel like I need to. It helps to get them out you know.

What’s She Like? yeah... same here!! It’s amazing how everything in my life is changed yet I still listen to Roxette. The songs still affect me as if I’ve just started listening to them. Every song brings a memory back sometimes happy, sometimes sad. It’s amazing.

Yep... good song... although have to admit only listened to it recently when I came accross on a compliation I did, it brought tears to my eyes!

Ally actually I was so excited about the album I bought it the day it was released. This song amazes me. I think the simplicity and Per’s voice amaze me yeah. He just sings like a kid wanting to be alright... dunno. I could relate to it alot and yes, that while that I listened to it 24/7, tears wouldn’t come off my eyes :).

DaminehGessle: Funny, hey, Vic, Aust (Melbourne) had a massive downpour yesterday, this huge storm blew in and stayed for about 40 minutes, then sunshine again...but flash flooding and all that stuff.

** B_A now puts on cereal-box psychologist hat** I agree, its good to share. Forums like this can be really good, we may know of some people but you’re generally anonymous and sometimes its easier to share what you are feeling this way...

**taking off hat now :) ** yeah, my life has changed so much (ie I’ve become a grown up :)and I still listen to Rox as well. And almost every song has a special meaning or memory for me, when I hear then I am straight back there. Right now I can’t stop listening to What’s She Like?, christ you feel like, was that song written for what’s happened to me, or what? But it helps. I know I’m getting over it when I start listening to other stuff and that song is off repeat as I drive to work. And I’m not bitter or pyscho or anything over it, but everyone deals with this shit differently, I happen to deal with it with the music I love.

BTW, I’ll Be Alright...what’s that off? DBU? I’m missing a couple of CDs :( Admitting to gaping hole in Rox collection here, ha ha

It’s from World According to Gessle. Per’s English solo album. It’s an amazing song. Very simple. It melts my heart. And right now I can say I’ve got butterflies in my stomach talking about it.

You know... Every once in a while when things get rough and I feel lonely, I listen to it. I am not the type of girl who breaks the bottle on the guy’s head or cries and begs him to stay. All the guys ever in my life have left my life in peace and I am still friends with most of them. My last relationship was more than 3 years ago and it ended up in disaster for me. My voice starts shaking when I talk about this, still! So I needed something to calm me down and this song did. I even wrote it on a card and gave him the card when he was leaving town. Wow!! When I said goodbye, I went straight to my car, played this song and as soon as he left in his car, I burst into tears. It scared the hell out of me. I was crying as never before. I have been through so much in my life with the whole moving from my country and all... but getting the heart broken is something else. So yeah this song has it’s happy and sad moments for me. So far away and the songs I named earlier in this thread make me cry right away. So... But this song brings a smile to my face. Most of the times, sad smile. But still smile is better than tears eh.

I think you are going through a rough time. let it all out or else you will get ulcer :).

A smile is always better then tears, tears wreck your makeup, ha ha.

arghhh, men give you the shits, eh! :)

the C!B!B! album took me thru some rough teenage times, yeah...


LittleSpooky: Listen to this song. It’s just a song but it sure suits your mood.


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