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roxette are shit

65 replies

i hate kylie she is a bitch

WAUW! What a great topic! Thank god you exist!

whats going on?

Perhaps someone trying to be funny!

Mods could we archive... I am not in a joking mood today! :(

Well, “Kylie” is free to feel this way about Roxette, but why express that here?? I’ll leave it for now.

“i hate kylie she is a bitch”

Who’s being talked about here? Kylie the Aussie, or is Kylie talking about herself? Is this in the wrong forum? I don’t see anything about Roxette here, really, just Kylie. Or did I miss something?

guess she talks bout herself ;)

And not shitty Roxette? (How does one make the confused face?)


Ahhhhhhhhh. . .

Is this then where we say “i hate kylie she is a bitch” too?

Can’t stand her the singer that is... she should get lost in the outback...

Kylie M has a most wonderful butt!

Yes, indeed! But what of our Kylie in here? How’s her butt?

You know, I can’t say, haven’t seen it. Hey, Kylie from here, show us your bee-hind!

What if she shows us Kilie M’s bum instead? Then do we say “i hate kylie she is a bitch”?

Or is that only if we can tell the difference?

mmmm maybe kylie said roxette are shit LOL ;) who knows ;)

I don’t understand the topic “Roxette are shit” ... And all of a sudden someone’s writing about an other singer. Confusing!

Kylie Minogue is great!
Just listen to ’Did it again’ if you don’t believe me, Per could have wrote it as a cousin to ’dangerous’...

I don’t think that’s who this ’kylie’ is referring to though, I think she’s made the statement that ’roxette are shit’ and expecting a lot of flaming she’s decided to start it off for us...

I could be wrong however...

I thought too, Zargo, that maybe Kylie was just trying to be a shit-stirrer, but it seems she’s just confused everyone.

Let’s all bow down to the goddess of wit !

Actually, I apologise. I shouldn’t make light of this person’s intense knowledge in the subject matter.

No no - Not Roxette. This person obviously wants people to know she’s an expert in sanitation. I’m sure she has experimented with various consinstancies of the material mentioned in her subject line. I doubt no-one in the world knows more about that subject as the person who posted this lovely message.

Let me be the first to congratulate this person for his/her doctorate and the publishing of his/her collection of family recipies.

kylie, that may be your opinion but you are certainly on your own in this forum so why not go play on the motorway & make us all very happy.


Now can we ditch the stupid thread, I suggest we throw Kylie in the wheelie bin!

ally hehe

I actually got pretty surprised by seeing 2 threads with almost the same subject! Roxette the sh* and are sh*t. Wow!!! Nice language Kylie!
Well the first one I Responded to, I thought tevensso hadnt seen cause he is the king of archiving eh ;). But wow in this one, you totally rocked playing along judith and tevensso. Nice one!

I think Kylie can claim insanity. I don’t think she was referring to Kylie M. in any way... She just has some personal issules to resolves within herself. Calling herself a b****. Wow!!

What’s up Kylie?

She has escaped from the local loony bin ;)

btw... Marie is the BEST in the buisness

*falls off chair laughing*

Yeah, you’re right, I hadn’t seen it. Now we only have one “Roxette=shit(?)” thread left.

What is up???!!!

Why do I even bother... ? *sigh*

For those who hadn’t seen Ferdan’s delightful visual comment it in the archived thread, I think it bears repeating.

@Ferdan—Laughed so hard I peed a little. (Standing Ovation on that one.)

@Kylie: Now I see why you were banned from several Kylie forums.

one archived eh
I never visit the sites on bands I dislike! I think our dear Kylie in here has too much hatred piled up or she basically has too much time in her hands.

I was just waiting for someone with nothing better to do to say this, but I’m in a hurry so....:

The BIIIIG (and overused conspiracy theory):

*assumes nerdy rox-fan voice, spits when talking etc*

I bet kylie is really Per! I mean he/she has to be! Who else would post something to send regular users off on the wrong track! I bet it’s part of his big masterplan (which is largely undefined - edit.) I really hope he writes a song about it! bla bla bla...

Now, on with slagging Kylie, should you see it fit. Best way to deal with attention seekers - Stop posting. I know this post is tautological by virtue of its own existence now but I don’t need that re-iterated....

Tevensso, I don’t know how you manage to read all this stuff man, it must drive you crazy

A rather grouchy, oam

[edit] just seen the above posts, Ferdan you are God.
@kylie, now I know that there are some thingson beaches that even make the seagulls leave, lol

lol, OAM, you rock!

thanx zaine - that’s cool of you. Nice to hear from a UK fan

Yeah I agree with OAM If she/he posts again overnight... like she/he has for the past 2 nights... lets just ignore her/him... they will get bored and moved on... or we could all sign up to a Kylie forum and bombard then with crap...

This is useless.
Why not archive it?

OAM, any time :)
lol, I love you all
you make me laugh so much, it can’t be healthy

sorry, posted twice

Oh... Kylie has her own forum and posts under the name Sarah!

I thought she/he had got banned?? ;)

@ Vixzter... yeah but have you seen the KYLIE forum this Sarah one uses... talk about sad and boring...

well it would have to be if he/she keeps coming here and posting

ha ha!

Went to the Kylie forum, and boy talk about utter chaos. It does that make me LOOOOOVE this one. TDR is exponentially surperior.

I think, though, this thread is either in the wrong forum—as NOBODY is talking anything Roxette related in here (slagging, flaming and pleas for ignoring this poseur’s posting, yes, but as for the forum topic, not so much)—or should be archive with all due haste.

Why archive.....its damn funny ;) it will die off eventualy when ppls get bored of replying ;P

@ Vixzter.... Hello... was you bored this morning! ;)

Hmmm, if we’re talking about Ms Minogue, well she is a b**ch - a lucky one!! That Olivier Martinez (sp?) is a HOTTIE!! Cause baby,l I woudn’t mind being in her place, hee hee!

And to keep this Rox relevant, yes Per is a hottie too, albiet a married one, hee hee. Although I had to laugh the other day, I got myself the Roxette DVD (not sure of the title, the red cover), and nearly wet myself at the rarities section with the Neverending love videoclip! I swear you could draw a vertical line between those monstorous shoulder pads of Per and Maries! And what was with the huge ass-enhancing jacket? And Per’s purple hair?GO THE 80s!!!!! I’m sure you guys have seen it before, so forgive the Aussie who is catching up on the collection, hahaha :)

It’s the backing singers in soul deep that get me going!!

bleu_argente: Haha that is referred to as 80’s style!! And right now it’s getting big here! I hate 80’s style ikh!

Vix and ally: Haha I replied to a couple of threads in Kylie forum. Why does that forum suck that bad?? That Sarah girl has nothing to say but Roxette is shitty haha.

have you noticed....most of the posts....she’s talking to herself ;) sad when you have to have a forum all to yourself coz you’ve got no friends ....well atleast she can agree with herself i guesse ;)

but she blatantly doesn’t agree with herself.
she started off with ’kylie is a bitch’ and now she flaming anyone who even remotely mentions that...

split personality ;)


quit slagging split personalities, I have a healthy relationship with on_a_mission

Just a question NOT a critisism on moderation: Why did this get moved to ’OFF-Topic’? Is it because the content varied dramatically from the original thread title? Or some other reason?

I would appreciate an answer as I am interested in the techniques of moderation. ta oam

it wasn’t actualy about roxette i don’t think LOL, mostly split personalities ;)

its amazing how some one can begin a topic like this and get a lot of responce from you guys. just amazing .

we’re passionate ;) although not sure what about anymore ;)

@Vix LOL
Anyways, there’s bugger all else to discuss. Why woof about Per’s 80s hairdo when there’s a fight on the go? I am sure Per would agree (to an extent...)

@oam: are you my split personality? although....we’re not very split....maybe related??
great minds think alike ;) *roflol*

hmmm perhaps, I think I would feel a little stretched (more physically than anything else) if my split personality lived in Oxford and I in Scotland...That’s gotta hurt. I wouldn;t mind being christened ’the second funniest’ though. But that would have to be a democratic decision

moderator 10/12/2003 13:41
Yeah, you’re right, I hadn’t seen it. Now we only have one “Roxette=shit(?)” thread left.

tevensso: That is still one too much!
Please archive this sh*t.

harriej, I couldn’t agree more

Yep, let’s stop this now. :)


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