POPHITS was released in MC?
yellowtigger said on September 29, 2003 11:29:
Anyone knows?Where i can get the cover? Thanx!!
i_jera said on September 29, 2003 12:30:
If someone gives me a little free webspace I can upload image file of the cover of the Bulgarian cassette, signed by Per.
kiwijazza said on September 29, 2003 12:50:
My Roxette site, http://groups.msn.com/RoxetteonMSN is free for uploading images. Feel free to join and upload there anytime. :)
yellowtigger said on September 29, 2003 14:11:
Hej Pietro!! Im interesed in one.
Could you can get the Ballads hits too?
Please email me. [email protected]
I want to buy they..!!
@ATLK what items you have?
Santi said on September 29, 2003 21:56:
The only Pop Hits I have is the Bulgarian MC, so yes, it was.
yellowtigger said on September 30, 2003 09:36:
Thanx to everybody!! Im only interesed in Pietro. Thanx ATLK!!
Best regards!!
pietROxette said on September 29, 2003 11:33:
Yep, it was. It’s widely available here in Hungary.