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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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trying to get rare promostuff for free like posters etc
any ideas

For FREE?? :S

yeah or cheap

Cheap huh.

Free or cheap??? Hmmmmmmmm

I have some posters from the CBB days. Posters used in stores when the CD was new. There are 3 different types, one big poster(150x100 cm) It‘s both Per and Marie looking up into the camera. Marie sitting next to a guitar and Per standing with his hands together next to the drums.(you have probably seen it before) The second is a sort of a pasteboardbox/case with the CD cover(50x50cm) And the third is a pasteboard with the logo “New CD/MC/LP! ROXETTE CRASH BOOM BANG” (70x27.5cm) That sort of thing you‘re thinking about?? EDIT: Dunno if “pasteboard” is a right word to use?? Well hard paper!!

@SuiraM: but are you willing to give them free?? Or cheap??! ;)

well looking for this stuff yeah
no I mean if u know ppl who had this and coyld sell ir or give it away stores etc

Well, if “we” knew such people/stores I think “we” would use them “ourselves” and not tell you who/where it is. Since promostuff is worth money it is better for “us” to sell it than to give it away, isn´t it?! ;)

Good thinking mson!

I thought “we” had great secret contacts at EMI?

is it any ppgs posters or hkak poster releaxsed?

Maybe I could get some promo posters. But shipping posters to other countries is just so damn expensive

Is “StupidGirl” ironic here or..?

No, I’m serious. I know a place where I can get promo poster. Usually they don’t have the stuff I’m interested in, but I remember seeing a couple of Roxette posters there (=several copies of the same poster). I don’t remember if it was the pop hits or the ballad hits. but if anybody’s interested I might check next time. but I don’t know if they’re still available, though

I do know places where to get promo stuff but OH surprise! I keep that stuff for myself. Find your sources yourself, man! ;)

I have the following items FOR FREE!!

6 x Tourism poster (Album Cover @ 31cm x 31cm on cardboard)
3 x Tourism poster (Album cover @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
3 x Tourism poster (Per pic on pg2 of Tourism Booklet @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
5 x Tourism poster (Marie pic on pg27 of Tourism Booklet @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
1 x C!b!b! poster (Album Cover @ 48cmx48cm on cardboard)
1 x “Yours Direct” Roxette 1997 Calender (12pg/picures A3 in good condition)

PS. All the posters are printed in South Africa

THE CATCH: because I’m not really a poster person they have been
lying under my bed for years taking countless beatings. Some of
them is in bad shape. Besides covered in dust, it’s mainly
folding cracks with the occasional staple
holes and small tears (one small Tourism cover is slightly faded)
however they’re free from moth bytes, baby drool and
nasel dribble. Throwing them away would be an absolute sin (hence
I haven’t done so, yet). I would give them all to you but (in my
humble opinion) it wouldn’t be worth my while to pay huge amounts
of postage to send them since the lot is relatively big & heavy.

per_mson: Why would you say what you just say? Why not share your joy with others when they could enjoy it even more than you do?! Some people cannot go to a store in sweden and get promo stuff. How selfish of you and so many of others out there! Someone is willing to give away posters because he doesnt need them and thinks someone else would enjoy them more while you on the other hand think this way. How low of you!

@DaminehGessle: Since you choose to pick on me only (others had the same opinion) I´ll explain myself a bit. It was a Swedish person who asked if we had any contacts, so he has the same chance of getting something as I do. I would gladly give away spare posters/other stuff to other people (if I had any, which I don´t) if I got it for free. It is just when some people, like in this case, ask for it I´m not so willing anymore. The reason is that this person have asked me millions of times for my record sources and of course I don´t want to give them away. Why should I get competition and pay much more than I have to when I don´t have to? Maybe that is selfish, but then I think 99% of this world is selfish. But giving away things I have double I got for free to you for instance...sure!! Any time!! :P

Damineh, how can you judge a person just cuz he has said something that many here do agree with? I know Per personally and he is one of the nicest persons I’ve ever met. He has kindly helped me get Eva Dahlgren stuff, recorded stuff from the TV in Sweden for me, etc etc, he has never said “no”.

THe collectors world (where I don’t wanna get in at all:P) is like that. You find a store where they get rare items at a nice price. Why would you tell other collectors about it? So they can go to that store and buy the items instead of you? Or so they can “bid” on those items so you have to “bid” on them too and see who gets it at the higher price?

Normally when you find out a store that gives promo stuff away (posters, flyers..) they don’t give you like 20 but 2 or so. So it would be a bit stupid to say “yeah I always go to that store”, so the other person goes and gets the poster and when you go after him, they tell you “oh sorry we already gave the poster away”.

This may be being selfish or clever, depending on how you see it ;)

Ted: will you tell us all of your sources too? ;-)

Business is about tough rules :D Seriously speaking I am with Per and Judith here.

hmmm I go to a special store in varberg and they always give me stuff.
but theres 2 other stores too and thry never got such items (thats weird)
btw Is it any posters releas4ed for på promenad and här kommer alla känslorna?

“ATLTK 9/21/2003 19:37

is it any posterrs for HKAK and PPGS relereased? or just the mazarin ones and tourposter (which I already have) “

“Här kommer alla frågorna på en samma gång....”



Hey Ted, got your mail... thanx!! Unfortunately I cannot carry the postage myself... busy working it out as we speak and will let you know.

:D If I‘ll ever get in a deeeeeeeep deeeeeeeep economical crisis, then I may consider to sell those CBB-posters. But I someone wants a Per Gessle-Sommar Mazarin Turnè 2003 poster, they can get it cheap.

If I could find stuff... Unless more than one I wouldn’t tell either. Miss out on it myself??
I have doubles of posters. But I wouldn’t give away, because I keep some for best. Some are in very poor condition. Some very good. I’ve given the majority away, but the ones I have left are favourites.

ATLTK I love your posts :))


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