The story chain game - Wanna play?
juneafternoon said on September 12, 2003 19:01:
*Only if you’re interested, please*
Due to the success of ’The letter game’ I’ve just learned a new game with a lot more options!!!
Here I begin telling a story, then you guys, must continue, where the other person stops.
You can let your imagination go wild!!!
Here we go:
“Per and Marie are walking down the street in Sweden, when without further notice...
ally77 said on September 12, 2003 19:22:
Marie said this is a great song, I think we should release it as a single.....
antz said on September 13, 2003 10:22:
“Ok, but we will only release it on the internet and we will make it free to download for anyone who wants it.” Per said.
regn said on September 13, 2003 12:17:
and Marie said ” on Kazaa you mean?? or in our Fantastic site”
Nox1983 said on September 13, 2003 12:24:
and per said, “marie be kind with the webmaster”...but marie said, wasn´t me!!! was regn....
on_a_mission said on September 14, 2003 11:10:
{gap} we all have short memories? hehe do we realy wanna do this, I am gonna watch for a few days
wendy said on September 14, 2003 19:30:
Read this,this was our story chain,the first,the best :p
xuxa said on September 14, 2003 20:27:
yeh wendy, you are right. That was the BEST story!!
Pitty it is over :((
We had so much fun there:)
I wonder if those times are going to come back. I hope so.....
on_a_mission said on September 15, 2003 15:22:
that was quite cool before it went completely INSANE, lol I will stop interrupting this post now. So, you were saying...
Nox1983 said on September 12, 2003 19:08:
Per wrote “På promenad genom stan”...and...