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Light a candle for the victims of september 11

10 replies

Please, “light a candle”, write a poem or just quote a song or something to show your sympathy.

My thoughts are with Marie - hope you get well soon.

My thoughts are also with the victims and families of the wold trade center attacks. I am thinking of Anna Lindh and her family (she has two kids) and everybody else who has lost someone on this terrible day.

below there are fragments of two songs written shortly after 11th sep 2001. Those lyrics, simply as they are, are so meaningful to me, with regards to the events of 11th sep 01 and not only.

”...Coffee cups on the counter, jackets on the chair
Papers on the doorstep, but you’re not there
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you’re missing
Pictures on the nightstand, TV’s on in the den
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you’re missing, you’re missing
You’re missing when I shut out the lights
You’re missing, when I close my eyes
You’re missing, when I see the sun rise
You’re missing
Children are asking if it’s alright
Will you be in our arms tonight?...”
“...I woke up this morning
I could barely breathe
Just an empty impression
In the bed there you used to be
I want a kiss from your lips
I woke up this morning to the empty sky...”

My thoughts are always with Marie and her family.

Today my thoughts are also with all the people all over the world affected by September 11th 2001.

My thoughts are also with the people of Sweden as they mourn the loss of Anna Lindh

@ freshold

Springsteen... I thought about quoting him as well.

My mother died 9 years ago 10 September, and then 2001’s incomprehensible horror, then Marie’s illness, now Anna Lindh’s murder. . .

Seems impossible to keep these few dates from consciousness. So much sadness.

At the time my mother died in 1994 C!B!B! was just released. I still have difficulty with “Go To Sleep”, a beautiful song, but the lyrics are invested with a much sadder meaning for me.

That’s my candle.

My candle is not only to those who have lost someone, but to those who made it out. I know that sounds different, but here’s why:

****WARNING!!! Disturbing mental images and thoughts ahead. Don’t say I didn’t warn you****

The people who made it out, who watched others make the choice to jump, rather than die a fiery death have to live with what they saw. Most have described it as something akin to a battlefield, pieces everywhere. One woman saw a couple, embraced, with a piece of steel run through them. They chose to die on their own terms. So did many others. People who witnessed sights like this have a difficult time. On one hand, they’re saddened that people they might have known are dead, while they’re happy they are alive.
It’s difficult to be happy you’re alive, while the guy who shared the next cubicle over is dead.

So, my candle goes out to everyone: Families of the victims, the survivors, and their families. My candle goes out to Ms. Fredriksson and her family, while they go through their own personal battles. And finally, to my counterparts in Sweden. The country mourns for the loss of one of their own, Anna Lindh.


@ Littlespooky.....

Yeah really really good point I have never thought of it like that....

Yeah, Littlespooky, you’re right!

I’m very happy, that we have now september 12 and no horrible terror-things happend. I hate this date............It still makes me angry and I feel bad (all the horrible memories).

I’d like to light a candle for all those who lost their lives in Chile 30 years ago. And all the killings that followed that 11th September.

I don’t believe in God, I just want to make sure that it’s not forgotten.

By the way, did anyone know 11th september is the national of Catalonia?

my candle is for everyone not only for the ones that have died but also for the ones that lived and for the ones that have won the battle for life and for those that have lost


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