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Crush on you almighty remix?

4 replies

I’ve seen in webs that there is an almighty remix of crush on you, someone who knows the way to find it in shops or download it on the net?

There is no Almighty Remix, at least not out. I’m certain the versions on the net are fan versions. (And they usually suck.)

...and suck does the real mixes most of the time as well... ;)

Both Per & Almighty have acknowledged the existence of this remix. So that particular aspect is not in question. (And yes there are many poor fan versions out there).

I have discussed this track with almighty and they say the decision to release it lies directly with EMI Sweden. (It cannot be found anywhere on the Internet).

They also said the track was “awesome”.

COY is without doubt my favourite Rox track and I hope we’ll all get an oppotunity to hear the remix one day... this space I guess.

haha how well said per_mson, couldn’t agree more :)


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