Congratulations Per and Asa!
dubacik said on August 21, 2003 06:53:
Dear Per and Asa! A really big congratulations to your wedding-day; 10 years is a long time. Hope you will enjoy your day today...
big-little-girl said on August 21, 2003 08:09:
CONGRATULATIONS! May it last forever! You’re such a GREAT couple!!!
JoeyRamone said on August 21, 2003 16:28:
How and why do people know how long Per & Åsa has been married. That is totally uninteresting.
Starrox said on August 21, 2003 16:37:
Well, just because it’s totally uninteresting for you doesn’t mean it has to be that way for everybody...
CRIZ said on August 21, 2003 18:10:
hopefully Per didn’t forget about are very good in forgetting wedding days.....>:)
Happy wedding-day you both...*PUSS*
yoona said on August 22, 2003 16:20:
There is a great article with 7 Per & Åsa pix in “Nu!”, a swedish weekly tabloid.
Pity, that I ´ve got no scanner.
Liesebieke said on August 22, 2003 18:38:
Yoona, vad är det för en tidskrift? Den finns inte ens till salu på ! Är du säker att den heter “nu”??
wendy said on August 22, 2003 19:39:
euh.........was it yesterday?? :O
Santi and me are also together 1 year on 21/8 :DD
Anyway,congrats :)
yoona said on August 23, 2003 10:11:
Yes, It´s called “Veckans NU!”
It´s a weekly tabloid, looks like O.K or Hello in U.K.
ixtlaner said on August 25, 2003 17:35:
(Bättre sen än aldrig :)
Grattis, Per & Åsa!
.... wow 10 years, time flies.... :)
LittleSpooky said on August 26, 2003 05:00:
I know I’m one of the last few to chime in but what the hey. My motto is: “Always late, but worth the wait.” *coff coff Bull coff coff*
Happy Anniversary to the both of you.
Joyride007 said on August 21, 2003 07:00:
Waw... 10 years (that?) :o)))
Have you a great time this day!!!