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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Rumor Gessle in Halmstad 28 August

15 replies

In Halmstad today someone told me that Per is going to have another show in Halmstad the 28 august.

Nice if it true.

Hmm, my friends and I were saying this when there a couple weeks ago.
Would be nice. :) I can’t go again though. :( Surely though they should release the tickets nowwww!? Hmm.

is it true

Another concert in Halmstad? :o
And I can´t going, on 28th August I can´t getting off. :´(

is it true? I doubt that....

that´s my birthday... so it will be a special concert for me and some friends, of course he will play födelsedag and some other stuff, i like a lot. he told me that the concert will be in tylösand again, but in the solgarden (outside) of leif´s lounge at the hotel.
no tickets available, it´s like the release party, only some people allowed.


more news about it?
thomas do u know anything

No I don’t think this is true, no one knows anything about it.

Funny rumour!
A drunk swedish woman told us in Halmstad, July 29th, that there would be another concert in Halmstad after the tour, where Marie would appear, too. *grin*

She was really very drunk... (-: ..and her husband went to the same class in school with Per..


No, this is not true. I’ve spoken with the management and it’s competely made up.

Of course not Tevensso..I just had to think about that woman while reading this topic! (-:

He he, I wasn’t referring to you Kiw. :)

Uuh, ok! (-: Just sounded like that!

but how can it we false when many ppl heard of it

because it is a rumour, you know. One girls tells another one, she tells her boyfriend..and so on...


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