Roxette album in swedish
Songwriter said on August 14, 2003 19:44:
Well, i follow the dicussions as many of you do too. So, here is my question. We talk about a new Roxette Album and that both, Per and Marie, are publishing own albums in swedish. So, why don’t they make an Roxette Album in Swedish ?? I think that it would sound nice if you think on the songs on Mazarin for example. That could be a way out of the album-less time... what do you think ??
Songwriter said on August 14, 2003 20:58:
Ok, but i think if you look at Mazarin, also the not nordish fans of roxette bought it if they could... and it would be the same with a swedish Roxette Album. If you are a fan and you love the music you would also buy such an album, i think. Or am I wrong ?
rox-kuryliw said on August 14, 2003 21:51:
ow no no no . no roxette in swedish please no need, they have other projects they can do swedish ,
harriej said on August 14, 2003 22:08:
Roxette has to stay in English.
The swedish solo-work is nice, but I prefer Roxette in English.
Santi said on August 14, 2003 22:26:
I think it would not be a bad idea if they publish some single with a B-side in Swedish, as to introduce the fans and no fans to the language in which they live their lives. Maybe even they could do an English album with one or two tracks, memorably sung in Swedish, both Per and Marie. And of course, it should include a translation of the lyrics of that song :D
kiwijazza said on August 14, 2003 22:31:
Per and Marie have said it themselves - Roxette is only in English.
squigger said on August 15, 2003 04:48:
Yes, Songwriter, you are wrong. I have loved everything that I’ve heard from Per - but I won’t buy anything in Swedish because I don’t understand it. I would love to have Mazarin, but what’s the point if I can’t speak Swedish?
Hopefully Per will get back to writing songs in English. Yes, that is pure self-interest being expressed - so what?
marcusvandeursen said on August 15, 2003 05:49:
When releasing anything in Swedish ever, better follow in the footsteps of others and release multi-lingual (like e.g. Escape/Escapar, No Apaguez La Luz / Don’t Turn Of The Light, Hero / Heroe - Enrique or e.g. Leap Of Faith / Jusqu’au bout - David Charvet)
Patty said on August 15, 2003 08:39:
I think that Roxette are international and must to perform in English.
So is the music business...
Ferdan said on August 15, 2003 08:41:
no sguigger, that’s not self-interest, that’s closed minded...
music is music whatever the language used for it...
and punctually, in Per’s case most of his music in swedish sounds much more honest than anything he made in english
oh well, but it’s your choice anyway...
i listen songs from spanish, english, swedish, chinese, japanese, italian, german, finnish, portuguese
and if i really really like a song, i just look for a translation on internet....
but anyway, i´ve allways wanted rox to include a song in swedish as a b-side
helle18 said on August 15, 2003 08:51:
Hey, I’m just wondering; Those of you who wouldn’t like an album in Swedish, what do you think of “Baladas en Español”?
ted_rox said on August 15, 2003 10:14:
I like it even if the transations is bad . or its actually not translations its á kind of new songs.
no roxette in swedish p+lease
they can preform together in swedish as in “om du har lust” rädd på promenad genom stan etc” but no roxette in swedish....
would be nice tr to hear soul deep in swedish trough “dansar ner för ett stup i rekordfart”
sundance_kid said on August 19, 2003 09:23:
That would be sooooo cool!!!!
Passionens Pärlor
Krasch Boom Bang
Ha en bra dag
Roxlander said on August 19, 2003 13:16:
I wouldn’t like to hear Roxette in Swedish. It would be interesting, and I’m sure I would buy the album, but I don’t think they would do that. I’ve got some of their swedish stuff just because I like their music, but I don’t understand a word, and actually I’m not interested in learning that lenguage. Another Spanish album would be better for me, but I guess Swedish people would say the same for an album in their lenguage :-)
Salvation7-20-7 said on August 19, 2003 17:50:
I would love to hear a Roxette albumn is Swedish!! But I have to say this:
Please don’t do it!! I paid through the nose to get Mazarin, and I pay a hefty price when Roxette comes out with something new. To limit the language, in my opinion, would limit the number of albums produced. Making it even harder to find.
I would hate to have to pay those hefty prices just to have the music I like.
Santi said on August 19, 2003 18:03:
But why has it all to be black or white in your minds? :O
Couldn’t it be a couple of songs and the rest in English? That would be great, you don’t lose Roxette in English and get to hear them performing in Swedish. There are just so many shades of grey between black and white... :(
I actually think that Gessle is so much better in Swedish, there’s something about writing in his own language, something you don’t get to see in his songs in English. It’s hard to explain, it’s something special. :)
sunshinestar said on August 19, 2003 18:41:
PLS NO!!! ENGLISH only!!! i already suffering with a Swedish per album
sunshinestar said on August 19, 2003 18:44:
I LIKE music more for lyrics!! i like a song 2 touch my heart.. why would i wanna by a swedish album i dont understand!
Salvation7-20-7 said on August 19, 2003 20:29:
@ Santi: Actually, that sounds like an even better idea. I would definitely shell out the money if that were the case.
@ no one in particular: As far as not understanding the language, I buy it no matter what. I don’t understand a single lick of swedish, yet enjoy both Mazarin and Marie’s Antligen. It’s good music. Period.
Santi said on August 19, 2003 21:37:
OMG...: “i already suffering with a Swedish per album”.
Who forces you to buy it if it’s such a waste of money?
Even more, who forces you to listen to it if it’s such a pain?
And well, if they included a translation in the booklet wouldn’t it be the same, so that you understand the song?
Salvation7-20-7 said on August 19, 2003 21:44:
@ ally77: The likelyhood of it happening are slim to none, but you gotta excuse flights of fancy once in a while :)
JoeyRamone said on August 21, 2003 16:34:
I really think a swedish Roxette album would suck.
And i don’t think Gessle has the guts to go swedish with Roxette.
Parre said on August 14, 2003 19:53:
well, sounds interesting
but... roxette is international, so i dont think they would do something like that
that album would be just for scandinavian people, and thats not ok for all of the fans around the world
no, just keep the solostuff in swedish and roxette in english
thats the best
love you guys =:))