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Great Per interview in Swedish

5 replies

Can anyone translate to English?! I can’t speak Swedish... :-/

he says that Joyride is the 3rd most sold album in Germany ever

And what he says else?

“Det har blivit dags för en liten tur genom Per Gessles älskade Halmstad. På en liten privatparkering står hans Ferrari. Vid entrén till Hotell Tylösand ska man nämligen inte parkera italienska sportbilar. Det fick Fredrik Ljungberg erfara i fjol.
– Entrén ligger i en liten sänka, regnar det blir det problem. Förra sommaren ställde Fredrik Ljungberg sin Ferrari nere vid entrén. Det regnade galet mycket och bilen blev helt dränkt. Jag undrar om den över huvud taget gick att rädda.”

I was staying at Hotel Tylösand the day Fredrik Ljungberg got his Ferrari destroyed by loads of rain water..... he was trying to dry the water from the interior with hotel towels... and after that he videofilmed the whole car for the insurance company, he looked kinda sad,,,, but I guess not as sad as I had been if was my 360 modena spyder filled with dirty rain water....

the whole entrance was filled with water bytheway... and the swimming pool was closed that day!!! (I love that pool.... ) :-)

“Men lite rövare måste ni ha levt ändå?
– Tja, nåt hotellrum trashade vi väl. Jag har aldrig gjort det, men jag har sett andra i mitt nära sällskap… Men det var mest trashing light, för de hällde bara räkskal i sängarna. Själv är jag mer typen som hellre städar lite extra.”

But you must have lived a trashy life anyway?
Well, we made some trash in a hotel sometimes but I never did it, but I saw others who were close to me do that... But it was only some “light trash”, they only casted shrimps(?) into the beds. Myself I am more the type that cleans a little more!


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