Some Gessle Pix ;P
Vixzter said on July 31, 2003 13:40:
Vixzter said on July 31, 2003 14:52:
Nope sorry, I was on the wrong side of the stage to get her and she never ventured very far across it ;)
The only one is of the whole band at the end....oh and her head appaears in a few ;)
Vixzter said on July 31, 2003 15:01:
Olympus C740
Theres some info.
One day I might learn how to use it properly ;)
AntiMario said on July 31, 2003 17:27:
You’ve already made that “properly”. Even professionally I would say. Our company designer approved. And his life is “digital cameras”. :)
ally77 said on August 1, 2003 20:47:
@ Vixzter..... cool pictures.... you have a great talent there..... thanx for putting up!!
Joyride007 said on August 2, 2003 08:22:
There you can download 151 pix. You only must find the new “Fotky z koncertu Pera Gessleho” and there you click “stáhnout” :)
TheBitterOne said on August 4, 2003 11:00:
Fantastic pictures! They give me a feeling as if I was there, too. Well, almost... ;o)
pietROxette said on July 31, 2003 13:47:
Congrats - and thanks for putting them online.