LadyJordan said on July 30, 2003 09:47:
I’ve been yesterday in Halmstad & the show was PERFECT! I think it was better than the RS Shows. Per looks so sweet!
And to all people who have a Videocamera:
YOU CAN RECORD THE SHOWS! NOBODY looks in your bags. It’s very easy!
Some people in my row has taken a beach chair etc.
So please film some shows! Thank you very much!
Many fans couldn’t join the Shows!
per_electric said on July 30, 2003 18:49:
Well, me myself I wouldn’t tell the security guys, but as long as you don’t, it shouldn’t really be a problem...
ktoto said on July 30, 2003 20:35:
i want to know if it’s allowed or not because i need to know if i can bring my big photocamera, or a smaller one, beacuse i don’t want to take any annoying bag with me to the gig just to enter a camera.
mihnea27 said on July 30, 2003 20:46:
I want to know too. Is there any official point of view?
Moderators, please ! :)
Vixzter said on July 31, 2003 01:34:
@ktoto: I got in with my camera ok, mine is fairly small....but that doesn’t mean anything when it comes to picture quality. I’m happy with what I have and will post them all online when I have a spare 5 minutes...but right now I need sleep ;)
sandhamn said on July 31, 2003 06:43:
outside brottet there was a sign that said;
no cameras,
no bottles,
no videocameras.
But no one looked into my bag...
tevensso (moderator) said on July 31, 2003 09:53:
I have no idea. The ticket says that it isn’t permitted, that’s all I know.
ATLTK said on July 31, 2003 09:53:
I saw that too
but I thoght it was no poffsional cameras and that stuff...
Denstandigaresan said on August 5, 2003 23:19:
I had my bag checked in Halmstad... I hid my camera under my flag... I had an orange in there, which she was going to take, but put back.
My friend was going to take her minidisc recorder with mic, but decided against it... if found, it would’ve been taken, and obviously would not be very safe then(VERY expensive mic), and also, it records in stereo and is very sensitive, so you would’ve just heard the crowd.
NigelBarnes said on August 7, 2003 07:42:
Cameras were allowed at Malmo (no bags searched as far as I saw but only allowed a very few pictures (told 2 by security at the front) and they were strict with this i.e. standing up in front of people with arms waving etc - all a bit unnecessary I thought
Starrox said on August 8, 2003 07:48:
Does anyone know where this strange “No photos after the first three songs”-rule suddenly came from and who “invented” it? After all, there was no such rule during the first five concerts... I wonder if they somehow mixed up the rule for the press with the one for the audience!
PerAndren said on August 8, 2003 08:28:
yeah. that sounded quite strange... like the guards care more about us not taking more than two pictures, than our safety...
Rich-UK said on August 17, 2003 09:17:
Maybe the “no photos after three songs” rule is because of the sun - the flashes are more likely to disturb Per when it is dark - so maybe he asked for there to be no photos after the sun goes down - it makes sense - just a thought... Rich-UK
colinvdbel (moderator) said on August 17, 2003 15:46:
That rule was also at the Roomservice showcase in Cologne, so it has been has been used before....I personally think it’s about Per not being irritated by the flashes.....but ofcourse it could also have to do something to do with copyright etc...
Starrox said on August 17, 2003 17:42:
Huh, I was able to take pictures during the whole showcase in Cologne, not just during the first three songs! That rule was only for the “real” photographers... and exactly the same as during the RS concerts in Germany!
ktoto said on July 30, 2003 18:09:
is it permitted to take a photocamera as it was on marie’s tour? or do you have to hide them? ;)