Disappointed.. very very disappointed!
zeeshan said on July 15, 2003 15:00:
I’m emailing you about your behavior in The Daily Roxette’s discussion forum
SmallTalk (especially this thread:
). The moderators of
the forum are there for keeping the discussion as relevant as it’s possible
in an online forum.
We don’t practice censorship, but we do moderate discussion. There is
sometimes need to archive or even hide discussions to keep things on track.
Keep in mind that SmallTalk is a privately run discussion forum. We have
every right to moderate discussion and we will continue to do it in the
Try to behave, or I don’t have any other choice than suspend your TDR
- Visa
THE DAILY ROXETTE >>> http://www2.dailyroxette.com
Visa Kopu [ Editor-in-chief ]
[email protected]
ally77 said on July 15, 2003 17:39:
Hey c’mon Zee has not done anything wrong, it was only a bit of light hearted fun. There was no flaming or anything.
I think threating to ban Zee is a little over the top!!
Zee I am with you 100% on this!!
sparroweye said on July 15, 2003 17:46:
I’m with you too zee!! (already told you that but anyway :) )
seriously, I wanna know what he did since you sent him that e-mail?? I’m really confused!!! he hasn’t been meen to anyone or anything like that!
moderators; an explenation, please!!!!!!
lost-little-girl said on July 15, 2003 17:57:
Yeah explain yourself you bullys.
You should not pick on people for no good reason!!!
zeeshan said on July 15, 2003 18:34:
Ferdan: Wait... listen to me. Yes Ferdan, I agree but you should know that you can’t really predict the future of the threads like ” : D : D : D ” and now ” :D:D:D:D (II)” in a fewwwwww hours or even in a day. If so being the case then mega hit threads like “There was a little girl” should have been archived and blocked under 60 second. You have to give a thread some time to mature.. see if it is working or not. This is actually NOT SPAM in anyway.
I hope, I can only hope that you are gona think about this thing with a cool head.
xuxa said on July 15, 2003 19:10:
Why the hell people cannot be free to express their feelings??? To express how happy they are??
Is that an ofensive atitude??
I don’t think that it was fair to archive that thread. I have seen here threads much worse than that and no one did anything about it!!
What you did to Zeeshan is soo unfair.Sorry, I can’t find any reason for that e-mail!!
Btw, i am feeling soooo happy today! LIKE THIS:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D
xuxa said on July 15, 2003 19:19:
And besides, if you are going to suspend people’s account only because of that, maybe now more than 50% of TDR visitors should be suspended!! (including me!!)
Jud (moderator) said on July 15, 2003 20:08:
Zee: “If so being the case then mega hit threads like “There was a little girl” should have been archived and blocked under 60 second. “
They may be archived in the future ;)
Lotty said on July 15, 2003 20:41:
I just want to add that the fewer is sometimes more, if you know what I mean. If I am happy, I can say it this way too: :-))))
DaminehGessle said on July 16, 2003 05:37:
I believe the most fun thread on TDR ever has been “There was a little girl”. Everyone took part on that thread and expressed whatever feelings they had and nothing bad about it. After we decided to finish off that thread, off-topic went boring and it is still boring to me. I barely check off-topic, maybe every 3 days and post stuff here and there. I think the whole “boring” thread came out for that reason.
zeeshan said on July 16, 2003 10:20:
Coy: Couldn’t have said it better myself. I guess TDR Admin should send an email to you each time you post :P
Jud (moderator) said on July 16, 2003 10:33:
zee: be sure he has got some of those emails, and not only one :P
Aschrum said on July 16, 2003 12:43:
including the “Try to behave, or I don’t have any other choice than suspend your TDR
account.” part?
coyboyusa said on July 16, 2003 13:07:
have I? even if i have it pales in comparison to the horrid BS thats posted here :)
and zee my freind go back to work :)
TinyBubbles said on July 16, 2003 13:22:
No Zee DON’T.
Sheeeeesh. You work tooo hard honey. Take this evening off. I hope the storm last all night so you won’t be able to get any work done on the pc tonight!! You need some rest :) [whoeps! just posted a god damn smiley!!!]
sweet_stalker57 said on July 16, 2003 23:08:
I never got one even after that poem about the soul brother pimp and coyboy’s mom. :(
zeeshan said on July 15, 2003 15:11:
What you just read above was an email which was sent to ME from The Daily Roxette, Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Visa Kopu.
I don’t think that I have done anything too serious to cause a lot of trouble here. I posted the thread http://www2.dailyroxette.com/smalltalk/thread.php/8193 to let them know the atleast I do NOT appreciate the useless archiving of the thread http://www2.dailyroxette.com/smalltalk/thread.php/8189 but that doesn’t mean that I am writing crap and junk about the moderators.
then I visited the TDR Discussion forum to post there and saw that Storm had already observed the same and had already complained... I made a little contribution to that thread http://www2.dailyroxette.com/smalltalk/thread.php/8191
in return I received the above email.
Visa, Lars, Judith and others. I do NOT think that I have made any serious damage here with any of my threads. I avoid flaming and I try to have fun here.
As for my suspension then Yes, please go ahead and do it, if I have breached the rules but I guess I CAN make my way out myself WITHOUT actually making you bother to do all that but before I do that, I want my friends here to tell me IF I have made any serious damage around for which I deserve suspension and such kind of emails. Believe me TDR Admin, beleive me that I am NOT gona visit this place if people find me here guilty. I can punish myself.