wendy said on July 9, 2003 15:56:
I have a friend who’s anorexic,he promised me to watch out,and to eat well and so,but after a lil while,he makes a mistake,and i’m getting to know he’s anorexic again............
I told him many times “If you stop eating,i stop too” and i’ve done that,and then he eats again,or at least,he says he does,but not for long...
I’m trying to help him,but he won’t listen,i’m really feeling bad because of this,i dunno what to do.......
Isn’t there anyone who can help him,and me?? Please *shy*
sparroweye said on July 9, 2003 16:38:
my god, I think I know exactly how you feel...
I think my best friend is anorectic, and no matter what I do or say she wont start eating.
I dunno what to do and I can’t stop thinking about how I’m letting her down when she needs me the most......
StillFar said on July 9, 2003 17:15:
anorexic people won’t start eating because their good friend is telling them so...find some prof help for him
derek said on July 9, 2003 18:02:
wendy.your friend needs help from a gp or a proffesional. you cant help .that person has to want to help themselves all you can do is worry about it and thats not fare on you .believe me i know. that person needs help and that sort of help you cannot give .all you can do is be there for your friend and dont you start with the not eating habit because thats not the answer to the problem you know my email if you want to talk
coyboyusa said on July 10, 2003 11:48:
the only person who can help him is himself. if he recognizes he has a problem he needs professional help don’t play games with anorexia
TinyBubbles said on July 10, 2003 22:30:
Not eating - that is merely a symptom of anorexia. The deeplying causes of it needs to be taken care of as soon as possilbe and it really can only be done by seeking profesional help.
I know of a case where own strong will won the day, but that is very rare, and in any case - there was a relapse. This is a topic so close to me. I didn’t want to post.
Wendy, you need to support your friend EVEN if he doesn’t want to listen and fails to seek professional help. Love him and support him now more than ever before. The difference that might make you will never believe! I hope whatever is causing your friend to do this to himself can and will be sorted out.
Take care of him.
Jud (moderator) said on July 11, 2003 07:28:
in such cases nobody should try to be a “hero”. He needs help from professionals. Once he is in treatment, he will need the support from all his family and friends, there is where you step in.
So if you are sure he has this problem, talk to his parents, take him to a proffi, stuff like “i will stop eating if you do it too” will work in the beginning, but as you see, he falls back to not eating again :S
good luck!
wendy said on July 11, 2003 19:43:
Thx to you all :)
He really wants to get better now,that makes me happy :)
Yesterday he told me he can’t eat anymore,but,he’ve eaten little by little,so,it’s gonna be OK with him....I hope.........Till now :$
derek said on July 12, 2003 18:56:
hey wendy having a friend like you could be good medicine for you friend best of luck hope all goes well
zeeshan said on July 9, 2003 16:35:
No one else can actually help him but You. If THAT is not working then you gota wait until he opens his eyes.