Per interview in Premier.
yoona said on June 29, 2003 10:47:
There is a great Per interview in a free swedish magazine called Premier.
You can find it in some swedish cd shops. e.g in the cd shop of Pub or NK in Stockholm.
Per says e.g. that he eats fibre pasta instead of white paste because of his weight, and when he was asked about his fave animal he answered that he ´s a ” cat-guy” and he´s always liked cats beacause their calmness.
He also told a story about when he was 6-7 years old he forgot his glasses when he went to the cinema , it was a western and he laughed when everybody else laughed ´cos he couldn´t see anything.
Poor little Per....
Jud (moderator) said on June 30, 2003 16:48:
you can read Groove’s interview here:
(page 28)
tove said on June 30, 2003 16:42:
there´s an interview with Per in another Swedish free music magazine as well .. it´s called Groove or something. The interwiev isn´t really interesting anyway, nothing new or especially funny is told.