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Marie is falling down, A mistake from Joyride

21 replies

yeah, it’s all there in “roxette the book”, judith! :)
but cmon, it doesn’t make the video worse.. let’s just be happy nothing happend.

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you know that story of marie almost falling into a canyon during that video take?

not really funny anymore, though...

@Roxeanne: Actually, Marie didn’t fall of the car but just sat there like frozen. It was Per who lost his balance and fell of the car when the driver (who couldn’t see a thing because he was laying) pushed the breaks very hard when people started to scream that he had do stop.
It’s in “Roxette-the book”


you know, i said she ALMOST fell into that canyon....
if she really had fallen, there wouldn’t have been cbb etc....

thx anyway (i do have the book)

I’m glad that Per fell near the car and not in the canyon :-) So that they both survived :-)


I thought the Joyride video was done on a car in front of a big screen...

Surely it wasn’t really filmed outside... Apart from the opening scenes, the whole video is filmed in front of a screen, with the city landscape added later.

The only part I can think of where Per or Marie might actually be sat on a moving car, is where you see that side-on shot, just before the car zooms off to the left. However, the film is played back faster, and at the correct speed wouldn’t be enough to make anyone fall off.

It really isn’t possible that those speeding car scenes were filmed outside.

Next you’ll be telling me that Marie really did throw a guitar through the sky to Per, after standing on the wing of an airplane... :-P

The reason Marie seems to be falling off, is that car seems to be moving from side to side, which means that it must have been placed on some kind of stand/stage, and it wasn’t just a case of the camera moving around a bit.

Perhaps Per fell off when someone stopped the stand/stage from moving.

The making of the video was shown on the US show Entertainment Tonight(ET) back in ’91. I remember watching it. They showed behind the scenes like when Pers expensive guitar is dropped down and he catches it etc. They showed the car with them sitting on it, Im sure it was out on the desert too for some of those scenes. Per was also taking the piss out of the director, teasing him. They seemed very happy when they were making it.

Cool, do you have that behind the scenes on video?

The video was shot in the desert, close to LA. Some parts are recorded in a studio, I guess.
Per fell of the car because the driver (who couldn’t see a thing) drove towards a canyon and had to stop immediately.
I’m sure they haven’t shown this ’accident’ in the behind the scenes :-)


No, it just came on. It was either I watch it and see it. Or fumble with a video to record it and miss it :P

I really don’t like this video cause of this “almost” accident...

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Could you share these other mistakes with us?


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cmon, do you really think P&M would risk their lives like that? and IF it was recorded on a real car in motion, don’t you think they would have secured themselves? haha cmon :)

According to the official Roxette biography they really nearly had a bad accident with that car and Marie nearly fell off the car and down the canyon.

maybe it was a joke ;)


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This is’nt really worth any attention but...
yes everyone should know by now that Marie was almost falling of the Ferrari that was’nt even moving.


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