Again Roxette commercial on Dutch radio!!!
m-cvk said on June 27, 2003 18:39:
Hej alla!
Last weekend and today I’ve heard a Roxette commercial for TBH on the Dutch radio ’Radio 103’.
It seems that the promo is still going on though it’s on a low level :-)
m-cvk said on June 27, 2003 19:35:
Jep, I’m 100% sure it’s for TBH!!
PS Harrie: heb jij nog foto’s van de ontmoeting met Clarence in Hotell Tylösand?
harriej said on June 27, 2003 20:02:
Nee, ik vermoed dat Marc of Jaap die foto’s heeft gemaakt.
Of ze moeten bij jou (mislukte) foto’s zitten.
Dat zou jammer zijn.
Remco said on June 27, 2003 20:29:
What’s radio 103? Is it one of the new frequencies of an old station? Don’t know that name!
m-cvk said on June 27, 2003 20:38:
Nope, niet tussen mijn foto’s :-)
It’s a station of Skyradio, they play songs from the 90’s. In the commecial is said a.o. : “Let Roxette take you back to the 90’s!” or something like that.
Remco said on June 28, 2003 15:30:
Heel toevallig hoorde ik dus precies vandaag radio 103... Helaas geen Roxette(-commercial) dit keer!
japeke said on June 28, 2003 19:59:
@M-cvk: Hej, i’ve got that photo’s... they are cool. i’ll send them to you, marc and harrie...
i haven’t heard the commercial yet....
Fernandinha said on June 29, 2003 04:40:
Hej in Brazil the pop hits comercial is on tv and they are announcing a dvd for soon :)
m-cvk said on June 29, 2003 08:18:
Hej Fe, Are they still showing TPH commercial? That’s a good promotion :-)
@Japeke: coolios! Can’t wait to see them :-)
The commercial starts with IMHBL....hopefully they will still broadcast it.
harriej said on June 27, 2003 19:33:
The Ballad Hits???
Not The Pop hits? That was released after The Ballad Hits.
That would make more sense.
But ok, any commercial in favour of roxette is good.