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Again Roxette commercial on Dutch radio!!!

10 replies

Hej alla!

Last weekend and today I’ve heard a Roxette commercial for TBH on the Dutch radio ’Radio 103’.
It seems that the promo is still going on though it’s on a low level :-)


The Ballad Hits???
Not The Pop hits? That was released after The Ballad Hits.
That would make more sense.
But ok, any commercial in favour of roxette is good.

Jep, I’m 100% sure it’s for TBH!!


PS Harrie: heb jij nog foto’s van de ontmoeting met Clarence in Hotell Tylösand?

Nee, ik vermoed dat Marc of Jaap die foto’s heeft gemaakt.
Of ze moeten bij jou (mislukte) foto’s zitten.
Dat zou jammer zijn.

What’s radio 103? Is it one of the new frequencies of an old station? Don’t know that name!

Nope, niet tussen mijn foto’s :-)

It’s a station of Skyradio, they play songs from the 90’s. In the commecial is said a.o. : “Let Roxette take you back to the 90’s!” or something like that.



Heel toevallig hoorde ik dus precies vandaag radio 103... Helaas geen Roxette(-commercial) dit keer!

@M-cvk: Hej, i’ve got that photo’s... they are cool. i’ll send them to you, marc and harrie...

i haven’t heard the commercial yet....

Hej in Brazil the pop hits comercial is on tv and they are announcing a dvd for soon :)

Hej Fe, Are they still showing TPH commercial? That’s a good promotion :-)

@Japeke: coolios! Can’t wait to see them :-)

The commercial starts with IMHBL....hopefully they will still broadcast it.



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