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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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10 replies

What do you think, is Jenny from “Smaka på ett regn” och Jenny from “Vänder mig om” ( Puls) is the same person?
Who is Jenny?
Or there is no Jenny and Per only likes this name?
Any ideas?

Jenny is married to Jimmy Fun and Billy is the kid.

Maybe it’s Jenny from Malmstedt’s “Jenny and I”..

Kiwein1, that was a good one!

;-) Thx..

“Jag vänder mej om” is from 1982 and Jenny and I thingie is from the beginning of 90’s... :p

And who’s Chrissie? I also wonder how she feels now :D

If it’s not that Jenny left Per to go with Malmstedt... and Per took revenge by copying the song.. hihi :P


I am still wondering about Cooper, Jefferson and Jane!

I think the Jenny from “Jenny and I” is the same as in “Småkar på ett regn”..*g*

..and not to forget: TinyTim

Jane was the first girl on the moon!

Cooper went out late last night and is now probably in bed with a hangover.

As for Jefferson he was still partying after Cooper had gone home.

isn’t jenny ones right hand?


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