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missing lyrics & translations from Mazarin

5 replies

I looked in the TDR’s toppics for lyrics and also translations (english) to new songs from Pers new album. I found many of them but I still haven’t found Smakar på ett regn; Spegelboll; Varmt igen; Mazarin & English translation of Om du bara vill. Could somenone please tell me, where can it be? Or if there is any webpage, where these lyrics are written? And also in På promenad... there is missing (in my opinion) translation of “Än att lugnt ta del av allt som sker”. I can’t speak swedish (I understand only few words), so could you please tell me what it means? Many many thanx.

And I almost forgot - what does mean the word “Wubbling”?

mazarin doesn’t have lyrics

carmit igen is aviable at

cool! Thanks Daniel!

I can write down the lyrics later maybe....


I guess we are only missing “Smaker Pa Ett Regn” translation. All other translations are already here on TDR.

All the best

could someone be so nice and put them all together in the same thread?


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