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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Nu ar det ju juli igen, ju

8 replies

What’s the song like?????

Can someone tell me where I can download this song ?? It seems this one is unavailable ....
I bought the album, but don’t want to buy the single ...

Maybe can someone send it to me ??

[email protected]

Many thanx

i’d say buy the single’s not THAT expensive :p

Oh man, what a song. It’s just, hmm, an awful :D Does anybody know credits of the song? I mean, which instrument Per plays. It doesen’t read on HKAK sleeve.

I know, it’s not that expansive, but I don’t live in Sweden, I have to pay post fees...only for one song cause I have already bought Mazarin ...

Can someone tell me where I can find the song ??

If someone got it, would you please send it to me ??

[email protected]


@mari: how have u got the single
its not released yet

The promo has been here for a long long time (and its a 2track promo ;))

I have a HKAK single. I know people here, there, and eveywhere :)

the promo?


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