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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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14 replies

please help, who knows FOR SURE if they are still selling the MAZARIN CD + DVD edition in the site??? I saw they are selling a CD for 20 dollars, does it include the DVD or NO???? what is the price of both CD + DVD???

No, it’s just the normal cd. It used to say “CD/DVD” and both of us were listed but now they only have Mazarin CD listed. Maybe it’s not longer avaliable

It’s interesting .. in Sweden ther are a lot of DVD’s in store

I can’t understand why they aren’t available

I’ve ordered the bonus edition of Mazarin (incl the DVD) via a Hungarian store. They are in touch with EMI Sweden. Now it’s the second time they inform us that they are having serious problems with the production of the DVD, so they cannot ship it at the moment.
Again, Every Mistake Immaginable. Thanks you, EMI!

So more delays... with EMI Sweden.... I have ordered my through the fanclub... a little bit peeved at EMI for this as means I HAVE TO WAIT LONGER TO HEAR PER’S MUSIC!!

I’ve had contact with someone of the FC. The cd+DVD have been received by them and will be shipped soon. So, probably the DVD-problem has been solved :-)


with FC u mean fanclub??? how can i order the CD + DVD from there?? what is the address of the site?? what is the price of CD+DVD in dollars??

FC is Fanclub, but in the Fanclub is only still aviable the Mazarin without DVD but therefore a Backstage-pic within the Package.
I have order my CD with DVD there, when should it shipping to me?

If everything goes ok,it will be shipped this week, at least here in Holland. If you live outside Holland it might take longer to receive it (because of the postoffices). So, you’ll have your order soon :-)


is it available or NO the CD + DVD version in the fanclub?? what is the price??

what is the address of the site??

The Cd + DVD edit are just released in 5000 copies. I ordered at Ginza to be sure of geting it.

I ordered it from Buylando.
It was quite expensive 199 kr.

@darkblade: NO! the cd WITH dvd is NO MORE available from the fc now, and their site is

at last, someone answered me......thank you....

I ordered from Skivhugget with DVD. Received the order very fast. I’m very happy that the DVD is region free. The DVD works in America as well!


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