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Albums & Singles ( Things wrong )

8 replies

Do you have albums or singles with something written wrong, different photographs... things like that ? i have an album inside written two times the same song, but are different songs, other like ” It hurts ” in the second CD with a 1, ” It must have been love ” in june afternoon single written as 1 and the first song june afternoon with a 2 ... as a curiosity i ask that.

[email protected]

I had a Tourism tape with the The Look solo full of noises and interference, i actually had 2 of those..
it seems that the full lot was “broken” ..

the “queen of rain” - 7” that I have has on both sides the live version of “it must have been love”.

my “neverending love” - 7” has written in the lyrics:
“you’re in a million” instead of “you’re one in a million”

“blonde dreams”: They made some mistakes in the titles of some songs:
“She’s got the look” and “Running all my life”

There is a tape bootleg called “ROXETE”. That’s the most strange item I’ve ever seen

Bootleggers never know the real title until it’s too late. If I was one of them I’d at least do my homework first. Hehe.

I Have an OZ Fingertips 93 single with incorrect spelling on the CD.


Yeah in 1992 my Mum bought me “Joyride” & “Look Sharp” CD’s for Christmas as I only has them on cassette and it was the Christmas I got my first CD player.... I was so excited and put them on to play and to my shock and horror on playing Joyride got “Cliff Richard”... it was a Joyride CD etc.... but played Cliff... to make matters even worse.... The Look Sharp CD was the same.... they where real CD’s bought from HMV etc... needless to say they went back to the shop and exchange for versions that worked... come to think of it now I should have held on to them!!

I have qur with imhbl on both sides and never ending... whos already mentored
But I also got Pearls of passion the cover says “jukka tollonen radio romance and cd alao but plays roxette” same tbing on stevie nicks cd..... it plays the first uk cd single of dressed for success


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