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"The Pop Hits" chart position

5 replies

#84 in the UK... what happened to those not-so-bad mid-week positions we heard about? Everybody returned their “The Pop Hits” CDs and bought Radiohead instead?

84!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Wow that is bad news. I thought it was going to go top 40 but hey, what do I know!

“The Ballad Hits” had Valentine’s Day and a few TV ads to help. “The Pop Hits”’s #84 peak really reflects Roxette’s impact in UK these days. So but really true. I bet “Opportunity Nox” won’t even make the Top 100...

no promo = no success.

that’s understood, isn’t it?

That is bad...but surprising? No. As the above post states, no promo = no success.

So is OPPORTUNITY NOX out today then..... if so what are you betting you cannot find it in any shops!!


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