NinaP said on June 14, 2003 22:33:
Is there any japanese fan out there???!!!
TinyBubbles said on June 18, 2003 18:18:
Oh, no wait... i am not Japanese. But that would’ve been cool. I want to be Japanese :( Maybe i am Japanese and i just don’t know it. Mmmmmm......
rarities said on June 23, 2003 03:29:
I am not Japanese but I live near Japan, I live in taiwan and i know some japanese.
Santi said on June 24, 2003 10:22:
I started a thread like this time ago, but it was not very successful :( U can have a look at:
NinaP said on July 11, 2003 22:53:
I´m not Japanese either but I can speak a bit of japanese...I was just curious about the possibility of contacting other fans and starting some kind of japanese forum,heheeh....
Majdy said on July 13, 2003 05:37:
you’re not japanese? but i saw that you have some kind japanese last name on your profile???? I’m not from Japan but I’m from Indonesia. Japanese is kinda popular in Indoesian universities. But I don’t speak that language :P
TinyBubbles said on June 18, 2003 18:16: