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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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6 replies

I were at the Skivhugget 35 minutes ago and
they told me that they will release Mazarin with DVD
on monday.
(They already have the original cd in the store, but you can’t buy it untill monday)

Skivhugger has wrong information. Mazarin+DVD will be release next Friday, 16th June.

on skivhugget web-page, they announce the delay of the special edition. On the fan club page they say it will only be 2 days more or less while others say it will be delayed untill the 20th friday.


Friday???16th is monday

I wanna order “MAZARIN” and CD-Maxi “HKAK” at skivhugget.

I wrote 2 mails to them to ask for the answer yet...

Does anybody know if Åhlens will send signd copys to Germany, too?

there is no CD-maxi of HKAK...

I don’t know if Åhlens sends out CDs at all, the info given is that you can pick the signed copies up yourself at Åhlens on Tuesday.


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