ordering from skivhugget
fayv said on June 13, 2003 00:29:
I am trying to order a couple of copies of Per’s new album for myself and a friend. I’ve gone to skivhuggets english website to try to order over the last couple of days and everytime I’ve tried to add copies to the basket, I get a page in Swedish that is referring to ’cookies’ which is all I can understand. Is there some other way to contact the company or am doing something wrong?
Can anyone help me?
Thanks, fayv.
fay.vanalstine @3web.net
fayv said on June 14, 2003 19:51:
Hi Judith,
Thanks for your help. I was able to change the cookies on my browser and ordered this morning.
Jud (moderator) said on June 13, 2003 00:57:
you can contact them at [email protected], there’s VERY nice people there (hej Ralph! :D), and I am sure they will solve it :)
The error says:
Din browser saknar support för Cookies, eller också har du valt att inte acceptera Cookies!
För att kunna använda Skivhuggets försäljning på Internet måste du acceptera cookies!
Your browser misses support for cookies or you may have chosen not to accept cookies. To be able to purchase at skivhugget you have to accept cookies.
Actually I just changed the config of my explorer to accept cookies and it worked..
good luck!!