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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Per's Launch Party!! Give Us The GOSS!!

18 replies

So all those lucky people going to tonight’s launch party here is a cool thread to give us people at home all the gossip!!


so far i got some sms-es from a friend who was at Leif’s yesterday and saw all the gang there: Jonas, Christoffer, Clarence, Pelle, PG with Åsa + Gabriel. They had been rehearsing + setting the stage :P

OMG!!! yeah i heard the same thing from a friend’s friend last night!

grrrrrr i shoulda gone to halmstad for one night even though i didnt win tix!!!!!

Times like this I wish I wasn’t half a world away. :(

someone ask him if the fish exists - so we can settle this :)

Yeah c’mon I need to know about Rolf as well!!!

@ Judith, perhaps your friend can find out!!

yah man i wanna know!!! lol!

is it allowec to take a autograf block to the party?

Ted... what is it with all these sodding messages?! How do you expect any of us to know?! If you don’t?
Sheeeeesh! :rollseyes:

how many here would ask about that fish if you only had one question to ask him?

hopefully no-one - that would be kinda sad! hehe
take it easy oam

So did anyone get to speak to Per! or was it just the press!!

no everyonbe got stuff signed.
anyvone who brokev the law and recorded it

Aww shame... *Gaffaws*.

TDR got a nice chat with the Man, we will publish the little story soon. :)

Oooor er can’t wait....what a genuine you n me only interview with the man’ m ’self...well stone the crows!!!!! go to it my man.......

Can’t wait for TDR interview... did anyone find out if Rolf is alive!

Per and Li were great and after the signings managed to get a piccy of Per with myself and one with my son, Thomas at about midnight. What can I say a happy little chap and his father!!

The show was excellent but now fit back on the ground and returned to work.

Let’s do it all again somewhen!

Saw on the fc site that they had a little chat with ’the man’ as well, nice pix there!!!


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