Per's Launch Party!! Give Us The GOSS!!
ally77 said on June 10, 2003 08:37:
So all those lucky people going to tonight’s launch party here is a cool thread to give us people at home all the gossip!!
xarrrr said on June 10, 2003 08:53:
OMG!!! yeah i heard the same thing from a friend’s friend last night!
grrrrrr i shoulda gone to halmstad for one night even though i didnt win tix!!!!!
on_a_mission said on June 10, 2003 10:58:
someone ask him if the fish exists - so we can settle this :)
ally77 said on June 10, 2003 14:05:
Yeah c’mon I need to know about Rolf as well!!!
@ Judith, perhaps your friend can find out!!
Denstandigaresan said on June 10, 2003 20:53:
Ted... what is it with all these sodding messages?! How do you expect any of us to know?! If you don’t?
Sheeeeesh! :rollseyes:
daniel_alv said on June 10, 2003 21:21:
how many here would ask about that fish if you only had one question to ask him?
on_a_mission said on June 10, 2003 21:55:
hopefully no-one - that would be kinda sad! hehe
take it easy oam
ATLTK said on June 11, 2003 15:34:
no everyonbe got stuff signed.
anyvone who brokev the law and recorded it
tevensso (moderator) said on June 11, 2003 21:01:
TDR got a nice chat with the Man, we will publish the little story soon. :)
Sparvoga123 said on June 12, 2003 01:13:
Oooor er can’t wait....what a genuine you n me only interview with the man’ m ’self...well stone the crows!!!!! go to it my man.......
ally77 said on June 12, 2003 09:06:
Can’t wait for TDR interview... did anyone find out if Rolf is alive!
NigelBarnes said on June 12, 2003 16:24:
Per and Li were great and after the signings managed to get a piccy of Per with myself and one with my son, Thomas at about midnight. What can I say a happy little chap and his father!!
The show was excellent but now fit back on the ground and returned to work.
Let’s do it all again somewhen!
swedish-dvd said on June 13, 2003 07:24:
Saw on the fc site that they had a little chat with ’the man’ as well, nice pix there!!!
Jud (moderator) said on June 10, 2003 08:46:
so far i got some sms-es from a friend who was at Leif’s yesterday and saw all the gang there: Jonas, Christoffer, Clarence, Pelle, PG with Åsa + Gabriel. They had been rehearsing + setting the stage :P