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Fake Marie photos on pornsite

16 replies

Marie is one of the Swedish celebrities who’s on Canadian pornsite. They use her face to sell some porn! That’s sic! There’s an article on Expressen:


Grr, how dare they! It’s so disrespectful.

I wanna see those photos, but this link doesn’t work anymore...

Aftonbladet has an article too
this is about the royal children ut theres 2 others too,2789,317695,00.html

long long long ago before Internet there was even a fake Carola nude pic, created by Swedish news-paper...

Oh my! Who wants to see Carola naked? I don’t want to see picture of her even with clothes on :D

regn, I maybe missunderstood but do you mean you want to see those “pornpictures”? Really? You can’t be serious! If you meant link to Expressen or Aftonbladet, try this one: It works.

thats disgusting!!! how could they do such a thing!

Ageees ago There was this fake pic of P&M with two other women laying in band naked.



how dare they @#$%&*****

How do you know it’s Marie??
Plus yeah it is disgusting, but they do that to all celebrities. So!

give them another interview Per.

sorry, the links don’t work properly...

gIVE us the canadian porn site link

Why the heck you want link to pornsite? Buy a Playboy.

Because I wanna see that famous pic... just curiosity...


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