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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I am back.

14 replies

So anyone missed me?:$ I know I am not back alone TINNYBUBBLES is back too. Maybe Aaso might join back too (sent her an email) Gota get that clique up and working back. Hey ya’ll lazy slackers wake up damn it... WAKE UP!? so what has changed!? and what hasn’t?


I MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUUUUUCH!!!!!! and i’m sure I’m not the only one ehheheeh, right Wen? :P
Welcome back, and don’t you dare to leave again!!!!! :P

Welcome back too Tinybbubles!! i missed you a Loooooot!! :DD

I think that if Aaso come back too, things will be so great aand fun as it was before:) when i first came here :DDDD

Santi. Wendy, Harriej, Aaso(I know you r reading this), markuz, Larry, Carlos (I know you too are reading this), xuxa, tinnybubbles, ally, storm, sweet_stalker(where the hell are u man!? no emails!? no nothing?!) EVERYONE who was in that clique.. u guys still looking forward to get it moving?

Whoa!! Hold on! I was part of a clique?! Since when? DAMN! That is news to me. Lols :-P
Welcome back Zee. But hey,...don’t spend too much time here... I need you somewhere else.....

Wow,i’m so happy :)

Welcome back,lil Sailor,welcome back,Bubbles,welcome back Aaso :)

I missed you guys soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back!! missed you... now what shall we talk about!

Great start Zee!
tx everyone :D

I was away too! Anyone notices? I don’t think so :D

Hey I noticed Damineh!! I hope you’re feeling better, away from the heat. ;-) Zee, cool to have you back man!! I’m happy to be a part of this cool clique, I feel somewhat exclusive, special. You’re a killer motivator, man, ever think of being one of those Tony Robbins type of guys?? Ally, yes I got your message, let me know what happens. ;-) Wen?? Bubbles?? Xuxa?? What’s up?? And AASO’s back, woohoo!!

Damineh: I was away so obviouslly I couldn’t notice it.. will you tell us why were you away? (if that is ok with you)

Larry: Thanks man! nice to be home

Where oh where is Alex_Rox? I wanted to ask him to send me some Rooibos Tee....

you get my smoking poem Zee? :)
I never heard back from the last email I sent.

Sweet: DAMN I didn’t get any email!! SEND IT AGAIN SEND IT AGAIN!!!!!! I love your emails brother!


Any noticed how many topics have (new) written in front of ’em?


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