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Ignorant person that I am, I would like confirmation on how ’gessle’ is actually pronounced...

Is it ’Gess- la ’ or ’Gess’l ’ ?


it’s simply gessle. g-e-s-s-l-e. like per told once in an interview. :)

“ge” like “ge” in “get”
“ss” like “s”
“le” like “le” in “let”, but “l” is slightly softer
the emphasis goes on “ge”

guess-lah. Stress both syllables.

For it’s a Swedish name: Isn’t the “g” at the beginning spoken “j”?

If you ever get the chance to hear Per on interviews they always pronounce it “Guess-lah”, so I am guessing this is right, going off this week’s radio interview on Rix FM!!!

no, g is not always pronunced like j in swedish...

When Speaking to English Press he says “Gess - ell”

When speaking swedish he says “Gess - leh”

I’ve also heard it pronouced with the Y sound “Yess-leh”

Gyllene Tider IS pronounced with a Y sound, So “Yelle- en - ah - Teed - er”



Isn’t Gessle a German name and not Swedish?

And I’ve heard it pronounched “gess-lay” like the confectionary maker Nestle.

it’s swedish i think.... atleast you should pronounce it like swedish.... listen o on eof the interviews in swedish radio to hear how they pronounce it

My friend from Sweden laughed when she heard me saying Ge-ss-lah. She said it’s Ye-ss-lah! Weird!
Swedish is a weird language. I can’t keep up with Per’s new song. I know the english version and that would be enough for now haha! For I will never ever be able to learn the Swedish version.

It’s definitely not German. This name is “taken” which means it’s made up. Per’s grandfather took it, instead of Johansson. When a name is “taken” no other family is allowed to use it.

Since it’s taken it’s not German of course, but it could be, from its “form”/”morphology”, there are lots of German names (esp. in the south) that end on -le. So therefore the assumption I guess.

So tevensso, not many Gessles out there eh? The chance of me finding a man with the same last name is very low :(

does gessle mean something special?

no, Gessle is just a name, don’t think it means something

Gessle is not pronounced Yess-lah... not Y, it’s G...

I just watched the video from roxbytes of per at bigno lotto, in the end the host (Lasse Kornér) sais Per Gessle... that’s the right way to say Gessle...

thankyou, one and all.

Damineh: Ha ha, no, as far as I know there’s Per and his brother and they’re both married. Umm, then there’s Gabriel of course... I think that’s all of them?

there us 10 persons in Sweden with the name Gessle!


Well Gessler is a very popular name!

I think It’s German.

Why Did Per’s GF Change the name in the first place.


No way! Hey, even statistically there would be much more than 10 people with the same last name. But I think his fame also makes a contribution. Aren’t there people, who have changed there last name to Gessle??
The source has obviously a small database.

Dave, he got into a fight with his brother and didn’t want to have the same last name as him anymore...

well if the statistic center of Sweden says it is 10, it IS 10.... eller? ;)

@damineh : you still got chance :)


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