The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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**Release party tickets**

14 replies

don’t want to wait for a tour?

wanna see Per live at the Release Party in Tylösand?


good luck!

Yeah I just got an email about this... should be fun to enter.... but just how many are gonna enter or are in the fanclub...

I can’t wait to know who wins it.... they are gonna be the happiest person on the planet :)

hmm... sneaky chantie / fc ;) ... hard to resist!

Mazarin CD/DVD-set & Här kommer alla känslorna for only 25EUR... Finally a brandnew review first since 1999... even a competition... any plans for another fc-day as well soon?

Perhaps enough to try the orfc once more after all... especially when still havingquite a few days off next month :o). Hoping most of all though that this
order will be delivered without delays...

there was a 2x-review end of December 2002 btw ;))

aah perhaps i can ask my question here:

i ordered one MAZARIN package (25€) and decided to order another package for a friend. i sent an e-mail, but i haven’t got any reply yet. the order constisted of one package but i paid for 2 (via bank service). can anyone from the fc stock up my order to 2 MAZARIN packages, please?

(in those things, where i have to explain something difficult, my English is very bad :-P)


solved! :)

“judith.... the room service tourbook counts as a 2review I guess then?

I have a friend who paid his membership but didn’t receive the tourbook. He can’t log onto the shopsite with his fc number as well... No one answers his emails... I always have to order stuff for him, but I suppose he will will neither get the new review nor will be able to take part in the competition.
Maybe we get an answer this way?

I didnt got my book either wANT it

marcus: yes.

@FadingFlower: try contacting Chantie ([email protected] / [email protected]), she’s always very helpful... might take a few days sometimes but she’s rather quick indeed

they dont have any left

thanx. I’ll tell him to send an email to that adress. Hope it works this time.

or do they have?

what will the competition include


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