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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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"Per Gessle has never been better than this"

11 replies

I don’t know if Gessle ever has been better, writes Per Bjurman in todays aftonblad. Some qoutes:

“Oh shit: This is a summerhit if I ever have heard one before.”

“So everyone els, i am sorry. It is the everlasting popnerd from Harplinge who has written the soundtrack of the coming summer.”

“There is no information whether Gessle is going to perform the solomaterial live, but i hope that he will. That would be very, very fun.”

Anders Nunstedt (expressen) gave the song 4 out of 5 in yesterdays papperissue. He seems confident that HKAK will be the big hit of this summer. He compares the song with Eagle-Eye Cherrys “Save tonight”.

Expressen also reports that Per is going to perform at Victorias (the crownprincess) birtday that is going to broadcasted live in July.

i dunno why per doesnt give good songs 2 roxette... his solo stuff is always better.. same with marie... :(

Damn, none of the papers have the reviews online! :(

i just got off the phone with AB, and the girl said she was gonna call me back as soon as she knew something :)

@boykie: Luckily there are loads of good songs coming to Roxette (otherwise I would not have liked roxette so much as I do now!)

Roxette just came up with THREE, Yes, not one but THREE gems;

1) A Thing About You
2) Breathe
3) Opportunity Nox.


she never called me back. blast! well she better do tomorrow :P

Bjurman??? Saying actually GOOD things... wow, he must be sick or something...

I am soooo looking forward to hearing the song live I am sure it will be a blast in the summer! :)

Actually Per Bjurman is a big gessle-fan. He gave Gylletider +++++ on their tour 96. He gave TWATG ++++. But he doesn’t like roxette that much. Alltough he loves gessles powerpop even if he does it with roxette. For example he gave ON ++++.

Per Bjurman will be on SVT1 (Sweden) monday... in the show “Inför Schlager EM”... he and two girls comment all the songs in Eurovision song contest....

They just played a snippet of HKAK on RixFM and if I understood them correctly, it’s this weeks’ “Veckans Hitvarning”! Sounds pretty promising until now... :-)

Who thinks this will make number 1 !!!!!


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