The new gessle song...
Paul said on May 17, 2003 19:46:
...does anyone have it yet. I cant wait.
LoneGunman said on May 17, 2003 23:01:
Inevitable question... does anyone got the lyrics to it ?
All the best
standa said on May 17, 2003 23:50:
The song regnires special equipment - meaning horse ???
Per looks better on promo pictures than the song sounds .But the best of all is WHISTLING ....;))) what the hell is it?
It would fit in Colorado Springs .
I love PG and his surprising ideas ( patataj , and yihaaaaaaaa) ;))))))))eheheheh
TinyBubbles said on May 17, 2003 23:56:
Thanx thanx thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the whisteling!!!!!!!
daniel_alv said on May 18, 2003 00:08:
here is the beginning of the lyrics:
Jag borde ha förstått att när du tittade bort
att allting har ett slut att allt det vackra är kort
här sitter jag o fryser på en regning perrong
o här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
vi möttes mitt i vintern, när mitt hjärta var tömt
jag placerade dig i drömmen som jag borde ha glömt
nu faller den från himlen som en trasig ballong
o här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Jag sitter ensam kvar och hör varje tåg, vissla hallå
ifrån ett ringlande spår, var det du, man kan undra när timman är vår
LoneGunman said on May 18, 2003 00:15:
Hej Daniel
You’re the best !! THANKS... now I definitelly won’t stop singing !! :)
tevensso (moderator) said on May 18, 2003 01:13:
Jag borde ha förstått då när du tittade bort
Att allting har ett slut
Att allt det vackra är kort
Nu sitter jag och fryser på en regnig perrong
Och här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Vi möttes mitt i vintern när mitt hjärta var tömt
Jag placera’ dej i drömmen som jag borde ha glömt
Nu faller den från himlen som en trasig ballong
Och här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Jag sitter ensam kvar och hör varje tåg
Vissla hallå ifrån ett ringlande spår
Var är du?
Man kan undra när timmarna går
Du borde sett hur underbart jag mår
Jag ska bygga mej en båt och segla tills det blir vår
Jag ska försöka att förtränga dofterna av ditt hår
Jag ska skrika så det hörs igenom all grå betong
För här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Jag sitter ensam kvar och hör varje tåg
Vissla hallå ifrån ett evigt spår
Men det är slut
Det är dags att slå en knut
Öppna grinden för nu går jag ut
Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång
LoneGunman said on May 18, 2003 03:28:
Thanks Tevensso... you guys are the best !! :)
Another inevitable question... any translation ?
All the best
imazombieinthem... said on May 18, 2003 04:36:
Its nice, I wasn’t expecting DYWBMB. Listening to it, it sounds like it belongs in a ’western’ film, with cowboys and stuff :) I played to a friend and he said the same thing! Its got that sound.
Kama said on May 18, 2003 07:21:
Oh no! It sounds like country!! :))) Hahah this song just makes me laugh. Oh God I’ve never expected Gessle singing something like this :))) Hope whole album won’t be in this style! :)))
But after hearing it more times I’ starting to like it :))
poppy_head said on May 18, 2003 08:03:
it’s country.... Per has gone crazy. I hace to listen it in good quality, but I think I’ll like it a lot!!! Love whistling!!!!
animalkingdom said on May 18, 2003 08:11:
I fking love it! Wish Roxette would someday do somethin as laid back as this!
Jud (moderator) said on May 18, 2003 08:13:
hm... I luv it but didn’t think it was country :D
pop 100% Gessle :D
Jud (moderator) said on May 18, 2003 08:26:
Here’s + - a translation..pls sb correct :P
I should have understood it then when you looked away
that everything has an end
that all the beautiful [things] is short.
Now I am sitting and freezing on a rainy train station’s platform
and here come all the feelings all at once
here come all the feelings all at once
We met in mid winter when my heart was empty
I placed you in the dream I should have forgot
now they fall down from heaven like a broken balloon
and here come all the feelings all at once
here come all the feelings all at once
I sit lonely and hear every train
whistle hallo from a curved rail
where are you?
One can wonder when the hours go
you should have seen how fantastic I feel
I will build a myself boat and sail until it’s spring
I will try to forget the scents of your hair
i will scream so it can be heard through grey concrete
cuz here come all the feelings all at once
here come all the feelings all at once
I am sitting alone and hear every train
whistle hello from an eternal rail
but it’s over
it’s time to tie a knot
open the gate so I can go out
Here come all the feelings all at once
here come all the feelings all at once
Santi said on May 18, 2003 09:53:
Nice :D
But anyway... Gessle has always said he would like to make country. I’ve read that many times.
TinyBubbles said on May 18, 2003 13:43:
Thanx for the lyrics and translation you guys... you’re the BEST!!!!!
mattias said on May 18, 2003 16:14:
out of curiosity, why would you want an english translation of the lyrics?
LoneGunman said on May 18, 2003 16:51:
Judith, I LOVE you... thanks for the PERfect translation !! :)
NOw I finally understand what I’ve been singing since yesterday, like crazy !! :)
Wonderfull lyrics, don’t you think ?
All the best
daniel_alv said on May 18, 2003 16:56:
I didn’t like at first, but now i love it.... great whisteling, and the lyrics are ok.... I think it maybe will become a summerhit as expressen said....
daniel_alv said on May 18, 2003 16:58:
judith >> I agree, the transalation is very good, I tried myself yesterday, but I couldn’t come up with a good translation of “perrong”
roxtexanet said on May 18, 2003 18:14:
What a fantastic mood he’s captured in this song...! This would fit beautifully on the “Per Gessle” album, maybe right between “Om Du Har Lust” and “Timmar Av Iver.” I’m so glad that Per can work so well in so many different styles... this summer we’ll get a warm, summery, acoustic record from Per and a year or two from now we’ll get a glossy, infectious, pop record from Roxette. Per just kills me! How many days do we have to wait now for our cupcake?? I’m getting hungry... (:
gyllene_tjej said on May 18, 2003 21:53:
To my mind it will be a massive summer hit! And come on, it’s not country. The sound is the train rolling in the rhythm.
so Gesslish, so gorgeous so great, GOOOO BUNNNY GO!!!! :o)
DaminehGessle said on May 20, 2003 21:14:
Although I don’t know Swedish and do not understand a word, I liked new Per’s song very much. Not just cause he is Per and oh everyone here likes him. The new song is very very cute.
Jackie_Radiorox said on May 21, 2003 13:50:
For those that don’t like it.. listen to it about 10 times.. after that you are hooked. ;)
I don’t see it as country it sounds very much like some of his past solo work just a bit more “fresh” if you will.
I figure as long as the album has an essence of all of his other Solo material it’s going to be great!
Keep up the good work PG! :D
roxettefan said on May 22, 2003 19:56:
I want the whole song in MP3... is it already avaliable anywhere?
I have the snippet, but I’m not satisfyed!
flaviog7 said on May 22, 2003 20:10:
@roxettefan: go to
You can also find lyrics here.
claus said on June 21, 2003 15:31:
The chords are here:
if anyone wants to play it on guitar!
genius_lover said on May 17, 2003 21:07:
Remember: visit us today att at 11.30 o ‘clock pm and you will here a part of the new Gessle singel!!! Just choose the button “lyssna”.
You can also write down some words in our guestbook.