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Baby rumours for Per?

38 replies

I ´ve read on R2R´s homepage ( forum , general Roxette forum) that someone has read in a russian Roxette homepage that Åsa is pregnant. ( Or at least she/ he says that she / he ´s read it.)

Has anybody heard anything about it?

But if course it´s only a rumour as long as Per doesn´t say that it´s true.

i haven’t heard it, which name will you like to be ?
Daniel if it’s a boy and Marie for a girl, perfect names i think, je je.

interesting. It;s good timing, Per has no upcomming international commitments.


little_miss_joy >> where do you live? and how old are you?

I have read that Per wants on another child

@daniel_alv where have you read that??

How up-to-date is this site?

Roxgirl, if you’re asking how old the roxforum is... it’s now. The post was posted this week.

I meant this Russian page where the info is supposed to come from.

If it’s true I am sure Per & Asa will make it known in there own time.... but I am guessing it is a rumour....

They should name the baby Damineh if it’s a girl and Damineh if it’s a boy. Perfect and unique name!

@Damineh: I don’t know how unique “Damineh” is, Damineh!! (-; A beautiful name, though... is it Farsi? Does it have a particular meaning??

Russian FC firum discusses that fact for last two weeks.
Two guys saw Asa recently... they say she is pregnant.

I won’t believe it until there is an official statement.

or they can name their baby with MY name :) : Miedy or my nick Majdy :P

I saw an Åsa pic from monday ( Polar gala) in Aftonbladet . You can see her belly well, and it doesn´t prove anything.
Maybe she is pregnant maybe she isn´t.

You can find a link for this pic in a topic called
” Great Per pic on”

Per has somewhat of a belly(beer) too, but that doesn’t mean he’s pregnant. But then, anything is possible these days. Hey, yeah. If he really badly wants another child, maybe HE should have it! Ha Ha.

I never believed the meaning my mom gave me so I looked for it. I had found the root in an old Greek book. I recently found out it’s a Zoroastrian name. Zoroastrianism is very very old so I believe that’s how it got to Greek books. My mom says it means something like someone who likes to dominate and rules over others by force but I will let you know what it exactly means.

Hah a belly for Per eh? I can imagine how funny it would look :D


What they ( the guys who saw Åsa) said?
I don´t think she looks pregnant on the Polar prize gala from monday.
But she can be pregnant of course. You can´t see it before the 4 th or 5 th months.

It´d be great anyway.

Per said in Expressen today about kids:

“We started to late . And there is nothing on the way either. We´ll see....”
Which means that it was only a rumour .

Hi Damineh, my name is Damineh, too. I live in germany and I always thought there is no other one whose name is Damineh. Are you iranian? Sorry my english is not very good but I no the meaning of Damineh in farsi. In farsi it means “Dasht va Daman”

Per is pregnant?! Wow, that IS a miracle!

I´d like to see him pregnant....

hmmm, thats sick....

lol this thread is OLD!

Hi, I’m an old Rox fan but I don’t write here. This is my first time.
I’d like to see this picture from Polar. Can somebody tell me where.

I know it’s quite an old discussion, but still could someone post me a link or a pix where ASA is supposed to be pregnant. Thanx a lot.

some time ago per told he would like to get a new son. besides åsa asked him for no work to the next year. I always thought and I´m still think the reason of no stuff from per for the next year is a new baby :-) “they will get a new baby on 2005” I bet you all :D

@Eloy: never occured to you that Åsa just might wanna spend some time with her husband without making an appointment first?

Hey, can I see this picture? Someone post the link here.

Atually I’m a little bit worried about ASA’s age. My guess is that PER just wanted a break. and somewhere HE had told that HE can’t imagine HIMSELF having more kids.

Could someone post the link of that pix.:)

hm... Åsa is just a few years over 40 right? I actually don’t know her age but I think it’s something like that. And that does not make it impossible for her to have more kids... yet. Atleast it does not have to be too late... That’s what I’m trying to say here. Although I DO NOT think she’s going to have more...

She is 43, she was born on 4th august 1961 if I remember right.
It´s not impossible to get a kid at 43, but the risks are much bigger for complications.

C’mon, stop speculating! I don’t think Gabriel will get a brother or sister... It’s too late (imho)

No it’s not too late yet, even though I don’t think it’ll happen. So I’m not speculating... I just wanted to say it’s NOT too late... in theory.

I know a woman of 50 that just got a baby :D

I don’t recommend it as you get older. The health risks to the mother and the baby are just too great. However, I’m not familiar with Swedish medicine, so the risks might be lower *shrugs*

Unfortunately if a woman gets pregnant at 43 the chance is 5 % to get a baby with down syndrome.
For a 35 years old woman it´s 1,3 %.

( 36= 1,4
37 =1,5
38= 1,7
39 = 2,1
40 = 2,4
41 = 2,8
42 = 4
And so on.)

And down syndrome is not the only possible problem.

Of course there is possibility for tests , like amniotic fluid samples , but it can cause misscarriage .
But it means that there is 95 % chance to get a healthy baby if we see it that way......

That is none of our business, I guess..

agrees with Kiwein1... ;-D


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